sbocha01 Member


  • Once you can do your sets well, that's when it's time to add more weight. You won't be able to complete those sets right away with the extra weight, but keep going until you get there.
  • Find a good workout buddy. It might be hard, but it's really worth it. Have you tried boxing? It's a lot of fun. It's tough, but you get to hit stuff.
  • It's not. 100 calories of candy is not the same as 100 calories of vegetables. Also, it's important to exercise to increase your metabolism.
  • I weighed myself on a scale at a friend's house and didn't realize how heavy I was. And a few days after that, I was looking at myself in the mirror and finally just said, "Okay, it's time to lose some weight."
  • It's all about the commitment. You've got to make eating well and working out often as part of your routine. When you overeat or indulge a bit and you feel like a slob, you're getting there. When you miss a day at the gym and you feel like your body's missing something, you're getting there. Figure out what motivates you.…
  • I would try focusing your workouts on specific muscle groups. I used to do the 3 times a week, full body workout, but I started seeing better results when I broke it down. You don't quite need the same recovery time either if you're not working the same parts each time.
  • I highly recommend actually trying to jump rope for real. I started jumping rope about two months ago (when I started boxing)...I was absolutely terrible at it. Could barely jump the rope once. But you really just have to keep at it and you'll steadily get better at it. After a week, I could actually kind of do it. As you…
  • You enjoy heart attack after heart attack?! Here's to the Flyers finishing off the Penguins on Wednesday!