SoftenBrownSugar Member


  • You guys are killin' me! What fun to go through this thread and read all the posts.....Not to mention some of the food pics look just too amazin'! Pizza, and Bacon, and Tacos, and those Walnut dessert things. Yum! I didn't realize we could post pics. So it's just HTML, huh?
  • Bet it smells delicious. I LOVE crock pot recipes, and I'm a great believer in The good thing is they have all the nutritional value for the servings along with the recipe, too! :smile:
  • lol - I can see why you'd think that, but there is no way I'd know how people would respond to my initial post. I actually thought it was pretty funny my daughter pointed that fact out to me. I would never have mentioned anything if it hadn't been for this quote - I'm just grateful for this site for me. :wink:
  • :happy: Actually, if you check out my profile and read the 'about me', you'll see the part about which of course sells the best way to soften the hard brown sugar. There are other ways, too, but I like ours the best. :blushing: I'd explain more, but we're not supposed to advertise (with good reason).…
  • Thank you ATBnAZ for the welcome, the encouragement, but thank you especially for laughing! :happy: Cindy
  • Thank you frycase! Now I've got some more podcast ideas!
  • Dairyland Creamo Butter Sugar (except in pop....I'm bending a little since I joined this site.) :drinker:
  • (Assuming OP = Original Poster) On the contrary. I'm saying I don't deprive myself of it. I simply eat less of it! The subject line is confusing - granted, but there are two ways to interpret it. In my case, I meant it to mean I eat what I love, but just not as much. Whew. :happy:
  • I think the key words in Monty's statement were "for most people to follow". Your "Every person is different" is correct too. :smile:
  • I'm a fan of podcasts, myself....especially CBC FREE podcasts. When I walk my dog or walk to work, I love to listen intermittently to stories or music. If you've ever heard of Stuart MClean from The Vinyl Cafe, he tells great humorous stories. Here's a link (which includes tabs at the top for preferences).…
  • Whooee- Didn't expect that many responses yet. Thank you all. I re-considered and started today. Yeep! It ain't pretty, but it gives me more incentive for tomorrow. :embarassed: