

  • Is there a place to add vitamins in the diary? I just started taking pre-natal vitamins(trying to get prego). I wasn't sure where to log that.
    in Vitamins Comment by ant210 December 2011
  • Hi, welcome to MFP. I am a newlywed too...and also 30 pounds over weight. I packed on pounds a month before my wedding(this past June) and more in the last 6 months. I haven't gone through what you went through but I do understand how hard it is. I used MFP months before the wedding and it worked....sadly I stressed with…
  • Have you asked your doctor? I think back years ago I was on one that did the same thing. I remember my doc putting me on a lower dose pill. I was on Lo Ovral 28 for years with no weight issues and few pimples. I recently just got off of it and I am now packing on the pounds and have pimples.
  • PNIANA: This recipe looks familiar. I just printed one just like it from Sounds yummy, thanks !
  • Thanks are so right with the sauces....some do sounds great but def don't want to pack on the calories.
  • THANKS everyone for all the helpful !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • just kidding....i saw the I phone app article. I wish I had one now. I have an adroid.
    in Newbie Comment by ant210 August 2011
  • What bar code scanner? Do tell ...
    in Newbie Comment by ant210 August 2011
  • I am back and forth. I lost weight before my wedding this past June....then put it on about a month before. I kinda gave up. Now, happily married....enjoying life and probably food too much. Up and down for me too. This plan(counting calories) does work.....I did lose 13 pounds at the beginning of 2011. I was just the…
  • very inspiring, congrats.
  • I must have OCD too. I come in every morning and lysol wipe my phone, keyboard and mouse. You never know if the IT guys used your computer or installed any updates. Everyone is sick lately too. I wipe my desk every am and I organize(tidy up) every evening. I am just an anal neat freak. Work is the worse.....think about…
  • thanks...I will check out that book this weekend. :)
  • One more question........any one recommend any good healthy food cook books?
  • Congrats to all the brides for this summer! Let's support each other. It's great to talk to someone about this. Even if it's little pointers here and there. I need it!!!
  • I ended up having a greek salad and half a panini. Not too bad...high salt though. My first day...I hope to be better. Sadly I am a healthy meal dummy. I think diet and think only salads. Thanks for the support.
  • Slice or chop chunks of the eggplants. Season with chopped garlic, lemon(juice or squeeze a full one), olive oil and salt/pepper. Grill them. Either have them as a side dish(you can mix in some zucchini and squash)..with some grill chicken. Or grill the slices and top them on a turkey burger.
  • Hello from NJ I am new to the my fitness pal community! Any helpful hints, ideas, tips are more than welcome! Food ideas and recipes needed. Salads and cereals get boring. Has this site helped you? :smile:
    in HI! Comment by ant210 July 2010