fizzbuzz Member


  • Not been in here for a couple of days as I mostly log things from my phone app.. I just allowed my daughter to make my lunch and a cheese sandwich has cost me an estimated 550+ calories .. ouch! Well tonight will have to be a light tea. I think I Have about 350-400 cals left for tea ( a northern England term for the late…
  • Cub Scouts in the UK are aged 8 - 10.5, what age are eagle scouts? The camp went great, I resisted the urge to overeat, although I didn't go hungry. We had a great time, but I didn't log anything. I will however weigh myself in the morning and see what I have done. (instead of this morning, as I didn't take the scales to…
  • well 3 weeks into June, and I have hit my mini target for this month... good job with cub camp coming up this weekend! this weekend I am going to try to eat sensibly, TRY to log everything.. and try to get a lot of walking around done.. the cubs are likely to run me ragged.. 60-65 cubs, 20 adults.. lets hope the rain stays…
  • I love number 5.. I not only had a bad day in May, I had a bad month..
  • that is 40lb since January 1st.. not just this weekend! :) Took the cubs firebuilding tonight. logged all my food for the day, and exercise.. bed time for me now :)
  • I reached 40lb dropped on Sunday morning :) so to start this week off, I was going to go swimming, but decided that I would accompany my OH to the archery field instead, only I got him to drop me off about 3 miles away, and walked in.. it took about an hour, but earned me about 450 cals according to 'mapmywalk' and meant I…
  • Saturday night - food diary closed now before weigh in tomorrow. I am up on yesterday, but down on my average for the week. My barcode scanner hasn't been working properly, for a few days.. I read I should close down my phone and restart it.. this worked, so all happy again now. Fathers Day in the UK tomorrow. England…
  • My name is Andrea, I am 46 years old, I live in West Yorkshire, in the north of England, UK. I am married with two teenagers. I have been gradually growing bigger most of my life. I have spent some time losing weight at different stages of mmy life but have always put back on more than I have lost, sadly. My joints are…
  • I have stopped weighing myself 6 times a day, after every visit to the toilet, before I go to bed, when I get up, before and after meals.. I am now only weighing myself on a Sunday morning. one week down, just over 2 lb lost.. This allows me to concentrate on the method (making sure I stick to my daily calorie intake,…
  • Crawling is really good for babies, it helps with their hand eye coordination. The longer they are left to crawl, and not encouraged to walk before they are ready, the better.