

  • They are also great in a noodle salad of sorts. I like peas, bell peppers, scallions, ginger, and a little sesame oil and rice vinegar to top it off! Oh, and I will sometimes add a little natural peanut butter for a change.
  • Thank you all for your support! I am really excited about this. I usually eat pretty healthfully, but I tend to snack and stress eat which adds up after a while with out noticing. I am hoping that doing this will help me be more aware of what I do and also serve as a motivator as I (hopefully!) see results! Best to all!
  • Oh Good!! I am new to the site too! Name: Amelia Allotted Cals: 1350 Consumed Cals: about that...i think I went a little over, but was good after some running Current Weight: 180-185 lbs Goal Weight: I think 165 is the first goal (lose that freshman err...20), but eventually 155.
  • Thanks, you too!!
  • Hey all, I'm a 22 year old student in my fourth year of engineering. Like they say, along with college comes the freshman 15 (more like 20 in my case) so I am hoping to drop this and a little extra. I like to think I am a pretty healthy person, but I definitely think that has gone down a little in the past few years. I…