Students that are fighting to lose the pounds team (ages 18-



  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    how is everyone's weekend going?!!?! Have you all found some time to do something you enjoy- besides studying?! :happy:

    Ugh, very busy. :sad:

    I'm making a flat $150/week and am supposed to only be working 15 hours a week. But since I work at home, I find myself working constantly. Last week I worked 54 hours! I work through weekends and nights sometimes, between that and my toddler and trying to finish coursework... don't even get me started. :tongue:

    July... just holding out for July. Maybe then I'll be able to pick up a book again. :noway: :laugh:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    how is everyone's weekend going?!!?! Have you all found some time to do something you enjoy- besides studying?! :happy:

    Ugh, very busy. :sad:

    I'm making a flat $150/week and am supposed to only be working 15 hours a week. But since I work at home, I find myself working constantly. Last week I worked 54 hours! I work through weekends and nights sometimes, between that and my toddler and trying to finish coursework... don't even get me started. :tongue:

    July... just holding out for July. Maybe then I'll be able to pick up a book again. :noway: :laugh:

    Ew, that sucks! You do something with screenplays, correct?

    I had today off finally...I worked every day this week because the other assistant manager got fired and the head manager coaches bball, so I had to pick up the shifts. Luckily we've got a new one that isn't an a$$hat so I can get back to my normal schedule. They tried to call me in on Monday but unless I clone myself I can't be at work and chem lab, and I prefer chem lab. :tongue: I got to run earlier today and just finished an awesome leg day!

    Does anyone else get really competitive even working out alone? When I'm with my partner I am and it's all in fun, but sometimes when I see someone else not working hard I like to work really hard next to them so it's apparent how not hard they're working. Am I a meanie? :ohwell:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ew, that sucks! You do something with screenplays, correct?

    I had today off finally...I worked every day this week because the other assistant manager got fired and the head manager coaches bball, so I had to pick up the shifts. Luckily we've got a new one that isn't an a$$hat so I can get back to my normal schedule. They tried to call me in on Monday but unless I clone myself I can't be at work and chem lab, and I prefer chem lab. :tongue: I got to run earlier today and just finished an awesome leg day!

    Does anyone else get really competitive even working out alone? When I'm with my partner I am and it's all in fun, but sometimes when I see someone else not working hard I like to work really hard next to them so it's apparent how not hard they're working. Am I a meanie? :ohwell:

    Yes, you are a meanie, but a really funny one! :laugh: In the end you're probably helping them (hopefully pushing them to work harder) even if they think you're a buttface. :tongue:

    And yes, I do some screenwriting but I've had to put it on hold for a stupid assisting job. Movie industry is in the pits right now because of 1) the economy and 2) the impending SAG strike (its been impending for almost a year now) So, I had to start working for a film festival to pay bills. RAWR. :mad: :explode: At least I get to work from home.... :grumble:
  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    WIHEW! I'm excited because I'm working hard..but my time of the month is coming that always makes dieting hard!!! :'( but I'm working out, eating healthy, and drinking water! Whew! 10 pounds of fat..away you go! aha
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    hey everyone!! hope the beginning of the week is going well for all of you!!! only 19 more days till valentines!! i hope all of you are doing well and going to reach your goals!!! school is getting much more stressful so i feel like all i do is eat, sleep study and workout- but i am hoping it will all be worth it in the end- for school and being healthy!!! keep posting- the motivation is great!! good luck!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    opps- i forgot we are going till the 17th!!! well, we have some more time then~!
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Ugh I am soo sick of this semester already...I am alreading stressing myself sick about next semester..I have to go to class in the day! Meaning I have to leave my job of 3 years and find a new one..Goodness...I stressed so bad all weekend, and now I feel like I weigh 10lbs heavier... I got really discouraged this weekend!
  • ryiko
    ryiko Posts: 76
    OK Whyyy do I keep gaining like 5 pounds every day then lose like 2...i feel like im not LOSING ANY! i workout all the time and i know ppl who don't workout and stay skinny!! Is there any diet pill or anything i can go on to boost my process of losing weight..i even drink soo much water like 6-8 glasses which is what ur supposed to drink ...and i still am not losing..i dont have a thyroid problem either b/c my doc just checked it..idk what to do and i eat healthy :'(
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    no soo discouraged, if you find that pill let me know..I am already starting to plateau... even the last time I dieted, I could never ger passed 149.. grr..
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    No, there are no pills. Not legal ones, anyway. :wink: And you wouldn't want to abuse them either!

    Weight fluctuations are normal. They are due to water weight, food weight, waste weight, stored blood sugar weight. And they can also be due to your scale being unbalanced.

    If you're noticing huge fluctuations, monitor your sodium. Some days you may be getting a lot and retaining water. Or maybe you're constipated so there's a lot of waste in your intestines.

    If you've stopped making progress, look at your workouts. Honestly, how challenging are they? Are you doing strength training? Does it burn? Are you really working when you do cardio, or are you able to look at a magazine while you're doing so? This takes work. A lot of it. I am sore a lot. I am tired a lot. I eat a lot and I work a lot. I change my training a lot. I always, always challenge myself. If I feel something was too easy, I work extra hard on the next set.

    Fat doesn't just fall off. Past a certain point, you have to pry it off with a crowbar.
  • Hope its not to late to a senior in college and i just applied for graduation today!!! SOOOOO EXCITED!! But this also means this is my last semester to get healthy and in better shape for when i move to NY! and also i guess to get a 4.0 lol...anyway

    Calories : 1200
    Today: 1490 ( i burned 751 at the gym today)
    Weight : around 175 (dont have a scale right now...need to get batteries :tongue: )
    Goal : 165?

    weight : 130-135?
    Spring Break: Work my butt off everyday and get ready for the BEACH
    Summer: Fashion internship, city life, gotta be FABULOUS!!! lol :laugh:
    but mainly to be healthier!!!!!!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    Welcome newcomers!!!!

    how is everyone doing?!?!?!? I hope you are seeing results from all the hard work!! and for anyone struggling- you can do this! it is a process but it will happen. so keep focused on the goal everyday and you will feel so good about yourself!!
  • miliz
    miliz Posts: 7
    Is anyone still doing this?
  • Oh I'm so glad I found a group of students!! This is my first day - wish me luck :P
    Name: Lindsey
    Allotted Cals: 1200
    Consumed Cals: nothing yet today - I just got home from writing a midterm and I can't eat before tests
    Current Weight: 195 - 200 lbs
    Goal Weight: after a LOT of hard work, 125lbs.. sounds low but I weighed 125lbs not too long ago :)

    I have 2 major issues that I know I'm going to need help with.
    1) my eyes are bigger than my stomach! meaning I have issues with portion control and don't listen to my stomach when it tells me I'm full
    2) I get brutal headaches if I don't eat every few hours, but again with the lack of portion control I eat too much as a snack

    Glad to be part of the group and I'm planning on using this forum frequently! :flowerforyou:
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    Is anyone still doing this?

    I hope so..It just disappeared. I was looking for it for days!
  • Great idea! I'm a psychology/criminology student and a stay at home mom. I have two beautiful kids, Alyssa who's 17 months and Rylan who is four weeks. It's so hard to find the time to work out!

    1240 allowed daily (plus some exercise calories).
    669 consumed so far.
    As of today I weigh 157 lbs.
  • miliz
    miliz Posts: 7
    Oh Good!! I am new to the site too!

    Name: Amelia
    Allotted Cals: 1350
    Consumed Cals: about that...i think I went a little over, but was good after some running
    Current Weight: 180-185 lbs
    Goal Weight: I think 165 is the first goal (lose that freshman err...20), but eventually 155.
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