

  • I can't say that I respect most of them very much - not due to lack of intelligence (which isn't their fault), but because a lot of them simply aren't very good people. I think the size of their paychecks suggests that something is very wrong with our society. Nonetheless, I agree that there is good in (almost) everyone,…
  • This. Reading bad spelling and grammar is just depressing (except, obviously, from non-native speakers or speakers with disabilities). I would never correct someone's grammar, though, because (1) that's like responding to rudeness with more rudeness - what's the point? and (2) I already spend way too many arduous hours…
  • When I get crazy busy (i.e. most of the time) I try to make large batches of healthy freezable things in the cracks of my schedule. Two of my favorites are okawa (formed into single-portions before freezing) (recipe here:,…
  • Mixed baby greens, plus: cucumber & tomato sliced beets (roasted in olive oil & rosemary) sliced strawberries smidgeon of onion pine nuts goat cheese aged balsamic vinegar YUM!
  • A timely piece in the NYT.
  • This is my favorite website in the world for lunch ideas. Some are more/less work than others, but the focus is healthy! It has a Japanese theme, but includes a lot of recipes that aren't Japanese too.