sabinecbauer Member


  • THIS!!! Exactly the same experience. Plus, while I was doing it, I rapidly lost stamina to the point where I couldn't run anymore--one sure sign that your body is NOT getting the nutrition it needs.
  • Sugar free Fisherman's Friend. I defy anyone to want to eat chocolate after one of those :wink:
  • FYI, spelt actually is the grain wheat was bred from. It's smaller and has less yield, but it's hardier and in terms of nutrients (not to mention flavor) it beats the socks off wheat. :smile:
  • Uhm, with all due respect to your doctor... if your iron deficiency is bad enough to have caused anemia, iron rich foods won't cut it. :noway: You have to take an iron supplement to get on top of it. The little OTC pills are fairly cheap and do the job, but in most folks they cause serious constipation. What does work well…
  • I'd go for whey protein isolate powder every time. What it gives you is up to 28 g of protein in a 30 g serving (whey protein concentrate has less protein and more fillers, which can cause tummy problems for some folks) at under 1 g of carbohydrates. I'd also stay away from any of the pre-fab shakes (such as Body By Vi),…
  • Low fat plain yoghurt, mixed with one scoop of chocolate flavor whey protein isolate. The late-night, guilt-free chocolate mousse :bigsmile:
  • Fried cauliflower rice with steamed basa.
  • If you want to ingest little protein and too many carbs for too much money, go for it. Otherwise I'd recommend a good whey protein isolate powder, which will give you a ton of protein, next to no carbs, and cost a fraction of what Visalis costs. :wink:
  • In a word, no. And there shouldn't be. Your body needs a certain amount of 'good' fats to function properly--fact is, without fat it'll have trouble burning fat. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent option, as is flaxseed oil or extra virgin coconut oil (my favorite). They all come in at 120 kcal per tbsp, calories well…
  • I've probably been hypothyroid for close to 35 years and finally was diagnosed four months ago. I'm on Levothyroxine. Even so losing weight--or even not gaining weight--is a constant struggle. I gain on 1,400 kcal per day, despite a physically demanding job and daily exercise :grumble: Recently my doctor has put me on iron…
  • The juicing probably won't help with the cravings. Largely because (unless you're doing only vegetable juice) you'll be ingesting a lot of sugar (fructose), and that is going to feed the cravings. I used to be in the same boat. What helped me was throttling back my carb intake to about 100 g per day (none of those carbs…
  • More than likely the dehydration is causing your blood pressure to drop, which would explain the tingling in your extremities. It's caused by insufficient blood supply. Do you experience head rushes as well when you rise abruptly?
  • Because it smells worse than either? :wink: Interesting, though.
  • To handle your allergies in a drug-free way, try acupuncture. My sister had severe hayfever and obviously couldn't take allergy medication during pregnancy. So she decided to give acupuncture a try. Her allergies were completely gone for about three years; when they reared their ugly head again she had an acupuncture…
  • ^^^This!^^^
  • Grated apple, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, cinnamon and sweetener to taste. Enter the Cinnamon Bun Substitute :bigsmile: And the concotion actually is delicious in its own right.
  • It's a bit tricky... my personal experience is that the more you exercise the better it gets. In my case that meant running through the pain, which actually did stop fairly quickly. Now, I'm fully aware that pain is the body's alarm bell and normally means 'Cease and desist!' However, in my case the pushing through it…
  • Steel-cut oats and cream of wheat.
  • Congrats on the loss so far! Followed by indelicate questions--what can I say? I'm like that :bigsmile: How are your Number Twos these days? Someone else already remarked that your diary is very light on fresh produce, and looking at what you do eat, I doubt you're getting enough fiber. If it were me--and in addition to…
  • Funsoaps, I've been taking Biotin, in the hopes to improve my horribly thin hair (another thyroid side-effect). I'm afraid the Biotin did exactly zip. Nothing at all. Sorry, but I don't believe in it.
  • Excessive? From my point of view, yes. It's also largely a waste of money. Glucosamine/chondroitin has been debunked some time ago. It really doesn't help--and I know that from experience, having severe osteoarthritis and no cartilage left in both knees. L-Glutamine I can't comment on, but in my experience one of the best…
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries 1 cup 1% fat buttermilk sweetener to taste Toss in food processor, blend thoroughly, delicious. :love: It comes in at about 160 kcal and it's the next best thing to ice cream. If you want more fiber, add 2 tbsp of psyllium husks (at 40 kcal).
  • It's supposed to assist your body in balancing glucose levels. It also increases stamina. The latter definitely is true--I noticed a marked difference when running.
  • Check the nutritional value on these things. Most of them have twice as much carbs as they've got protein, and most of those carbs are from sugar. Which just about answers the question. You'll be much better off with a good quality protein powder or chicken strips--which also works out a lot cheaper, by the way.
  • Two words: Hippocratic Oath. "First, do no harm." The man should have his licence yanked.
  • I think that MFP's preset daily protein allowance is ridiculously low (probably to make up for the fact that the sodium is too high :wink: ). You can eat 1 g of protein per lbs of your goal weight and you'll be fine, so don't sweat it! :smile:
  • As Mallory said, there may be stuff in there your system doesn't like. Is it a whey protein? That could be an issue if you're lactose intolerant. Also, is it an isolate or a concentrate? In a concentrate the protein percentage per serving is considerably lower, which means it contains more fillers, and some people react…
  • Eggs will NOT raise your cholesterol levels. That myth has been debunked by medical science several years ago now. The yolk contains just about everything that makes eggs one of the healthiest foods around. So why would I throw it out? I happily eat two whole eggs a day. That's a shocking 140 kcal altogether, by the way.…
  • Have you had your thyroid levels checked lately? Feeling constantly cold, and especially cold hands and feet, is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism.
  • Got the same problem, and digestive enzymes are the way to go. Do NOT take senna, because that'll damage you intestines in the long run.