

  • Name: Lourdes (some ppl call me Luly) Age: 24 CW: 149 lbs (in the morning, in my PJs lol) Level of fitness: Medium (I think, lol_ Workout activities: Zone training and spinning, some running... ok jogging but open to most things Profession: Getting my MS in clinical psychology so I guess a student who interns as a mental…
  • It really is more addictive than FB! Also, I've learned that "yummy" food is really not that serious, what I mean is that the satisfaction you get from finally looking good in your clothes is sooooooo much better than the 15 second satisfaction you get from a candy bar.
  • It is AWESOME that you have decided to quit smoking. Keep it up, nicotine is one of those drugs that you have to just quit "cold turkey" which means you need to stay AWAY! One of the negative effects of quitting any vice (particularly smoking) is weight gain. BUT the gain WILL stop so don't be discouraged! Just keep on…
    in I Quit Comment by ladyluly February 2012
  • Sure am! 7/28/12, 25 pounds to go! and you?
  • I don't have a cheat DAY off but definitely a cheat meal. I dont regularly eat things like pizza and fried foods so although I'm not on a "diet" per say I do kind of think of it as a "cheat period" lol :D
  • Hi! I'm 5'5 and now at 160. I had gotten to around 190 with a 38 DD and they have gone down, I am now wearing a 36 DD but I can see I will need to go down to a 36 D in about a week or 2 (2-5 more pounds). I hated how much it hurt to run and stuff and the best thing I have done for that was start Spinning. It's really great…