

  • how did you find doing the next day?
    in Day 2 Comment by slayte March 2013
  • Great I just completed day 2, level 1. My muscles felt extremity sore today but I pushed through it. Good Luck.
    in Day 1 Comment by slayte February 2013
  • the net calorie goal is from Monday to Sunday. Sunday night after you logged or calories for the day check what is says then. Its thursday and Its says I am 6179 net calories under. HOwever I see that because of my exercise I have been below my calorie intake each day so far. So If all continues I am hoping to be still…
  • Our family dinner menu for the week is below, the days may get switched around however the meals will stay the same. M-BBQ Beef & Vegetable Kabobs & Garden Salad & Fresh corn T-Swiss Chalet family whole chicken dinner with salads (its our take out day, healthier alternative to pizza, lol) W-Buffalo Chicken stirfry T-Black…
    in June Comment by slayte June 2012
  • I love your run 2x/week and plan meals ahead of time. I create weekly meal menu's each Sunday so that way it helps with grocery shopping and also that last minute bad food decisions. Maybe we should start sharing our meal list each week:)
    in June Comment by slayte June 2012
  • I AM 5.1 AND 174:( However I am 12lbs down so far.,