Lib_B Member


  • Oh, and true story, I have found that since the motor on my driver's side window went out, I don't even consider fast food anymore because it would entail parking and going in - making fast food less fast therefore less appealing as a time-saver. However, it has made banking a giant pain in the *a*. :neutral_face:
  • I am with the very rarely crowd. That's not to say that I don't have that crazy morning with kids who won't cooperate and I grab a slice of breakfast pizza on my way into the office, but if I do that, I end up feeling crappy that I burned so many calories on a single slice. I just try to make sure I have time to prepare my…
  • Ear wax diet.
  • My son was colicky - so it wasn't a fit - but he cried for an entire 10 hour car ride when he was a month old. My hubby traveled for work and was gone for a 3 week stint, my in-laws were on a 2 week Panama Canal cruise and my parents were on vacation about 10 hrs away. Living on 5 hours sleep in the previous week with a 3…
  • I was going to say sometimes I strap mine to my shoe laces or bra. Just depends on what I'm doing.
  • Starvation mode is a myth. ^^^^ Likely water retention in your muscles due to the working out. Also, make sure you are weighing everything you put in your mouth. Don't guesstimate calories, make sure you are being accurate. If you are still plateauing, sometimes I find increasing my calories for a week by 200-300 per day…
  • You may prefer to form a group as opposed to an open forum discussion.
  • And I also echo the poster who said take advice from people well-versed in vegetarianism/veganism. 3 months is great, but not ready to be delving into the world of advice. There are lots of books and websites about making the conversion. In fact, I used a book called Becoming Vegetarian and then I used Becoming Vegan -…
  • I assume you know not to used refined sugar because of the use of cow bones in the processing. I was vegan for 5 years, got pregnant and had to return to meat because of an iron deficiency. Good luck to you and I'm glad you have an strong ethical position, but if converting people is your goal, PETA wouldn't be the first…
  • Fast food for me was always a result of poor planning or just too rushed to take time for me. Now I make time every night before I go to bed to get my lunch ready for the next day. I use my crockpot more so dinner is nearly ready when I walk in the door, etc. I never really had a 'taste' for fast food, so in that regard I…
  • I like a square of really nice dark chocolate with a healthy amount of peanut butter on it. :) Doesn't fill me up per se, but definitely keeps the sweet tooth at bay and provides a little extra protein. Also, google 'fat bombs', it you aren't hungry and need fat/protein, they are awesome. Mostly for people doing low carb,…
  • Sounds like we're in the dreaded apple club. :) I'm still working at it.
  • I had mine out. Took one trip to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack at 32 and lots of morphine to convince me the surgery would be worth it. I hope you find some relief. For me, fat was the trigger. And while I don't have pain anymore, I have noticeable difficulty digesting fats due to the lack of the gall…
  • Buffalo chicken stuffed peppers - red peppers sliced in half, blanched. Saute mushrooms and onions until soft. Set aside. Saute chicken strips. Put mushrooms and onions in with chicken. Add Frank's Buffalo Wing Sauce. Spoon into pepper halves, add a little sprinkle of mozz, toss under broiler until cheese is brown and…
  • make a pitcher of tea. sweeten to your liking. decrease the amount of sweetener daily until you are adding none. drink plain tea. pretty simple. what you are addicted to is the sugar and caffeine high. i cut out caffeine this week and it has been awful. but i know it will get better and in the long run, i'll be happy about…
  • I only eat them back if my net calorie intake is less than 1,000 cals per day.
  • It also depends on how much you have to lose. If you have a LOT to lose, which your picture does not lead me to believe, it's going to be harder. You need to be diligent about calories and logging. Weight loss is 80% dietary. You can't outrun a cookie. Also, if you are within 20 pounds of your goal, you might consider more…
  • Mother Jones or The Nation
  • I quit cold turkey when I had a cold. I just didn't want them and so I seized the opportunity. I also downloaded an app call myQuitTime - you put in how much you smoked, how much they cost, etc. and over time it tells you how much money you've saved, how long you've gone without, how much of your life you've gotten back,…
  • Don't believe it happens? And this - if you are overweight, you are less likely to be hired, receive raises, promotions, etc. I'm not talking about bullying - I'm talking about being oppressed. And not…
  • Oh, and for me, restriction is what I have to do. If I say, "oh, i'll allow myself just one," I end up with my face in the bag/package, etc. I'm like the alcoholic who has to say I cannot have this because it is a trigger food for me. And I'm ok with that. People will debate whether or not food is an addiction, but I can…
  • Agree - the keto diet is good if you eat more sugar than you wish to. It's all personal choice. You won't see me demonizing this way of eating or whatever one you do. I liked the keto/low carb high fat (LCHF) diets - kicked my sugar cravings. Was a bonafide addict. Slowly reintroduced things like fruit, etc. Still stay…
  • i want a pull up/ dip set up. really interested in body weight exercises/new calisthenics.
  • I lay with my four year old until he falls asleep in his bed. He says, "I don't like to sleep alone." And who does, really? I'm lucky that he falls asleep quickly - usually less than 10 minutes. At any rate, there are lots of things to try. And don't feel guilty for a second about co-sleeping. I wasn't into co-sleeping…
  • i should also say, i do the 'if it fits your macros' - meaning i can eat anything as long as i stay in my calorie target. log every bite you put in your mouth and i guarantee, if you stick to not exceeding your target calorie intake, you will modify the way you eat. as much as i love the chocolate drawer in my office, a…
  • willpower is a muscle that has to be exercised. the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. someone else said basically what i was going to - i used to let a slip lead to a binge cycle or missing a day at the gym lead to missing a week. the key being, don't beat yourself up about it, move and start the next day anew.…
  • Weight and age doesn't matter. It's still inflated (as are the calories burned on MFP - talk about over-estimating!). At any rate, any sporting goods store will carry them. ****'s (MFP censored a store name - it's D*I*C*K's), Sports Authority, etc. all should carry what you are looking for. Or you can buy them online. I…
  • i opted not to pick a goal weight, but rather a size. i want to get back into a size 6, so whatever weight that leaves me at, i'll be happy. i have been lifting heavy, so i know that my weight at a size 6 (US) could be higher than someone who is just 'skinny.' for example, i have two sisters - one is 'skinny' and she wears…
    in Goal weight? Comment by Lib_B July 2014
  • add a hard boiled egg as a snack or some greek yogurt. handful of nuts, an apple with a schmear of peanut butter. lots of ways to hit your calories (and avoid the carbs you mentioned before).