azwen Member


  • You can log it as "aerobics" or "calisthenics", whichever seems most appropriate.
  • I made chocolate oatmeal! Instant oatmeal in the microwave (Trader Joe's Oatmeal Complete), with 2 scoops vanilla protein powder, a dash of cinnamon, and a couple teaspoons raw cacao powder. Pretty good!
  • Jan. 1 strength training (upper body), C25K - 1 hr. Jan. 2 strength training (abs), 30 min. stair master - 1 hr. So far: 2 hrs.
  • I have used the MFP estimate for calories burned (500 or so for a 50-minute class). I think, as with all the MFP calorie estimations, just use it; if you find you're not losing weight and you're sure you're measuring/logging food accurately, try not eating all the exercise calories.
  • Like many others here, I get mine at Target, Costco, Kohl's, and TJMaxx. I agree with seltzermint; the Kyodan brand at TJMaxx is really good. I also love the stuff I've gotten at Costco, although obviously they don't have a huge variety at any given time.
  • Hmm. That's what I was wondering. I think for now, I will get a pair of cross trainers. When I finish C25K, if I want to do more running, I will get a pair of running shoes. (I have never enjoyed running, but my husband would love for me to run a 5K with him, so I decided to at least give C25K a chance, to give us an…
  • My goal (before exercise) is 1200. I ate 2600 on Christmas Eve, 1600 on Christmas Day, and 1500 today. The only exercise I did those three days was a brief (15 min.) weightlifting workout today. I'm under the weather, and really didn't feel like I could do more. So I don't expect to see any weight loss this week, but…
  • Nonfat latte, either iced or hot depending on the season and my mood.
  • We go out for Japanese food on Christmas Eve. So I'll have calamari, edamame, tempura udon, and mochi ice cream for dessert. Then on Christmas day, I'll make lasagna and garlic bread, and probably green beans or broccoli. Cheesecake for dessert.
  • Yes, it's pretty typical to see some "gain" initially. It will go away! I have also never heard the advice above to just keep weights and reps the same. You're a woman, you're not going to turn into the hulk by accident. Why not keep getting stronger? Getting stronger and getting bigger are not the same thing. If you're…
  • I work upper and lower body. My upper body was so wimpy when I started working out with my trainer that I used 5 lb. dumbbells. I felt like I had little T. rex arms! I like getting stronger, and I enjoy the definition I'm starting to see in my arms. (Still have more fat to lose before my lower body has definition.) I love…
  • I think you look gorgeous! And I do think you've gained a little muscle, and also shed some fat that was covering the muscle, so the muscles look more defined. I don't think you are bulky at all. Did you happen to do measurements before and after? You arm doesn't look bigger, just more defined. That's my goal, to look…
  • I agree with cwolfman13 that you will make better progress, and likely stick with it longer, if you have a plan to follow instead of winging it. Lots of people do things like New Rules of Lifting for Women or Stronglifts. Your gym may offer a free session with a trainer to help you, too. I typically lift 3-4 times a week…
  • I get annoyed by all the Pinterest pins with things like "say goodbye to your muffin top with this 5-minute workout". You can't spot reduce. You can't. And crunches won't get rid of belly fat. I also don't get all the articles about weight lifting for women that show women holding those little 2-lb. weights. Sure, start…
  • Body fat percentage 20 or less (abs!). To be stronger and fitter. And to wear a two-piece bathing suit next summer. :-)
  • I haven't done Turbo Jam, but I think you may need to modify it if you have joint issues. Walk Away the Pounds is great, low impact, and easy.
  • The other thing to keep in mind about bulking/cutting is that strength training is key. During a bulking phase, you need to be lifting heavy and several times a week, and eat LOTS of protein. Otherwise you will be gaining fat, not muscle. And you would need to eat/train this way for a number of months, monitoring your body…
  • Where did you find that calculator?
  • Wow. I still have weight to lose, but I have a lower BMI than 92% of women in my age range in this country. That's surprising. I would have thought I was more average.
  • Can any of you experienced yogis recommend some good beginner videos? I've done yoga before, but it's been awhile. I'm doing a lot of strength training and various forms of cardio, and I know that I need to work on my flexibility. I also think it could help me with stress relief. So I'm looking for something that is not…
  • I don't drink protein powder every day, but I do aim for 100g protein daily, whether it's a workout day or rest day. (That's 1g for every lb. lean body mass for me.)
  • I lift weights, walk on the treadmill, do the stair master, hike, do Hip Hop Abs, Zumba, have just started doing yoga, did Bokwa today, and I'm planning to try kickboxing soon. I like to have variety. I lift weights then do either treadmill or stair master 3-4 times a week, and I like to mix it up on my other days.
  • I did Bokwa! :-) I highly recommend it.
  • I'm not sure what you mean by lifting at "very slow intensity". What kind of weights are you lifting? Are you following a program or just improvising? I recommend you eat what MFP tells you; some people decide to eat only a portion (say, half) of their exercise calories in case they are overestimated. Make sure you eat 1g…
  • I just bought some new workout tees from Target in size medium! :-) And I've lost 12.5 percentage points off my body fat% since the first of July. My body fat% and BMI are now in the healthy range. I still have some fat to lose and some muscle to gain, but I'm excited that I am moving in the right direction! Plus I…
  • My Thanksgiving dinner was 1000 calories including dessert.
  • I'd say enter your info in MFP and set your goal for "lose 1 lb. a week". Eat back at least half your exercise calories. Aim for 1g protein per lb. of lean bodyweight, at a minimum. And start doing some strength/resistance training, whether weightlifting or bodyweight exercises. Have you thought about P90X? T25 also…
  • I can relate. I've lost about 16 lbs., with at least 6-8 lbs. to go. Those 6-8 lbs. seem to be all in my belly, hips, and lower back. I've lost inches in those areas, but they seem to be stubborn! I figure if I just keep doing what I'm doing, that fat's gotta go, too. I'm eating at a deficit, logging carefully, weighing…
  • I'm 5'7 too. When I was a teen to early 20s woman, I weighed around 120-125. I was happy with my size. I have a small frame. However, I was definitely "skinny fat". No muscles. Over the years, my metabolism changed, I lost muscle mass and gained fat. I was very unhappy with the way I looked, and became more and more…
    in 5'7 women Comment by azwen November 2014
  • It does sound like you'll be happier if you're honest with him and brainstorm together to find some restaurants that can satisfy you both. Red Robin probably does have some healthy options, but I agree In-N-Out is rough. Maybe you can take turns picking the restaurant?