

  • Have pictures of the type of body you want all over your home, especially on the fridge. Have pictures of your progress/regression to keep you in check. Window shop/ search the internet for clothes you want to buy when you reach your mini goals. Have a support system at home that will keep you motivated. Think about how…
  • I dont know. I kinda like MFP.
  • Don' t worry about the scale. The scale is your friend. The scale tells you and reminds you and guides you where you want to be in your fitness goals.
  • On days that I lift then do cardio, I drink Endurox 4, then soon after a protein shake, as a post work out drink. And since I excercise early morning on an empty stomach, after I drink these, I eat my regular breakfast of 5 egg whites, 1 whole, 2 slices of turkey bacon and one package of instant oatmeal.
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