eatlessnachos Member


  • Me too, starting again. I lost it before, kept it off for awhile, and now I am back, because I have no idea how or when the weight creeped back on, when I stopped running, etc. I've been back for about a month. I lost 6lbs in my first couple weeks here, but it all came back over a week-long vacation where I didn't track my…
  • Haha I'll go with that one for now!
  • I appreciate it! I am just getting so much conflicting advice that it's hard to make a game plan. I have also been recommended that book, perhaps it's time to buy it and start a new plan. Sometimes I feel sort of dumb ripping it up on the cardio machines, knowing I'm not getting strong. Being strong is a lot more admirable…
  • I do some strength - but it's on Cybex circuit weight machines and not free weight lifting so I was hesitant to mention it. I do machines like hip abduction, row, fly, lat pulls, leg curl, leg press, abdominals, etc. I can do 3 reps of around 35-50lbs on the various arm machines, 35-80 on the legs, depending on the muscle…
  • Perhaps you're right. I could have SWORN these pants were starting to fit looser a few weeks ago...maybe they really were and I am retaining water? I drink 6-14 cups a day, so my body's crazy if it's trying to hold on to water. I want to get strong and toned, but if I'm being honest with myself, this is only half about my…
  • I'm having the same problem. I've lost 10lbs by creating a moderate calorie deficit and using mostly cardio machines, but my jeans are fitting tighter. It's very frustrating! I can see a little weight loss in my stomach area, but the bottom half of me is not improving, and it almost seems possible that it's getting worse.…
  • I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! Breakfast has never felt right for me. It just feels like stuffing a pointless extra 300 cals into my body for the day. Plus, I have never been a fan of breakfast type foods. My dream breakfast is lunch! I'm not hungry when I wake up, and like other people said, I'd rather use my…
  • I know 4 calories isn't something to worry about - but if it was 100 calories every day, I would want to track that! I am talking about a LOT of hot sauce every day, not one serving. I decided not to count it though, in case anyone else with a similar question was curious. My reasoning is that I will probably always eat…