To eat breakfast or not... that is the question?!



  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Breakfast is a MUST, it's not a question at all. Eating breakfast gets your metabolism working and fuels you for the day, making you more likely to have the energy to work out. It's ideal to work out at night because then your metabolism works while you sleep through the night burning fat. Then when you eat a healthy breakfast the next morning, it makes your metabolism kick back in and it gives you the energy to go through your day and work out again.

    Wrong. ^^^

    Skip breakfast if you want to. It's a personal preference thing and has ZERO bearing on weight loss.

    ^^^^^ this!
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Eat when you're hungry

    /end thread

    ^^^^ and this!!
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Eat when you're hungry

    /end thread

    ^^^^ and this!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I am a FIRM believer of eating 5-6 meals per day and ALWAYS eating breakfast within one hour of waking. You should be having clean, well balanced meals/snacks between 200-300 calories every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. Yes you will be hungrier at the beginning and it will be because your metabolism is working how it is meant to. Carbs and whole grains should be consumed early in the day to keep you fueled for the rest of the day. If you haven't already read up on it, check our Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Principles it is definitely a good, easy read and puts it ALL in perspective.
    Perspective is subjective. I don't rely on peoples versions of diets, I rely on actual scientific studies and studies don't support what you are posting.
    While you feel it's working for you, saying SHOULD implies it's the only way to go.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mmarie12L
    mmarie12L Posts: 1 Member
    Adding protein to my breakfast (and all meals) works for me. Eggs are great, but I usually have cottage cheese in addition to my normal cereal and banana. As far as eating breakfast as a weight loss strategy... Well, if I don't eat breakfast then I would tend to have all of my meals later in the day. And if I eat too late in the night, then it interferes with my sleep. A good night's sleep is related to hunger/stress hormones and therefore weight loss and all other things that make me happy. Plus, I fuel up for my day. I don't need a lot of fuel for sleeping.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    "Whether fat oxidation is greater during waking or sleeping hours doesn't matter. What matters is 24-hour fat balance, which is fat synthesis minus fat oxidation. See, those are the 2 sides to the equation. If you eat less during the day & more at night, fat oxidation will occur at a greater rate during the day. If you do the opposite, fat oxidation will occur at a greater rate through the night - & you end up at the same spot. After 24 hours, the body doesn't know nor give a flying fuk which half of the day contributed to either a net loss, gain, or maintenance of fat balance. Unless you have a specific need for increased energy intake (ie, prolonged competition in a particular sport ocurring in the earlier part of the day), there's no reason to assume that eating more during the day & less in the evening is INHERENTLY beneficial for body composition goals."

    -Alan Aragon

    I've always suspected this ^^ so now I know.

    I'm glad to hear that the overall opinion is that breakfast isn't make or break. I don't do it very often, I'm just not hungry. I eat the bulk of my calories between 4pm and 10pm most days. I sometimes think I need to change that, but it works for me, and I LIKE my eating pattern. So I guess I'll keep at it, until I don't like it, or it doesn't work for me.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    Eat when you're hungry

    /end thread

    X 2
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    If you get hungry a couple hours later, have a snack.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Up until about 8 months ago I'd almost always eaten breakfast. When I stopped, last October, the one trend that really stood out to me was the feeling of hunger which I WASN'T feeling when I didn't eat breakfast vs. when I did eat breakfast. I can't explain it. Eating breakfast was what I learned from my parents. It was just something you did whether it was a bowl of cereal, or a big pancake breakfast with the family.

    There will always be studies to illustrate it's importance, but you've got to think who's funding those studies? Food companies, marketers etc. There may very well be benefits to eating an early morning breakfast just as there are likely benefits for fasting a bit longer into the day. Ask yourself....are you getting nutrition throughout the day in some form? If the answer is yes, how can anyone tell you that what you're doing is wrong.

    What's popular today, may not be popular tomorrow. Trends are set and followed. While some stick around, some fade away.

    Do what fits into your lifestyle and what allows you to meet your goals.
  • kbahr16
    Hey Everyone,
    I have recently been certified as a nutrition specialist through AASDN.
    I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone!
    Think about your body being a car.
    Your car will not run properly if you dont put fuel into it, well thats the same thing with your body.
    Breakfast is your fuel that will help replenish your energy after it has gone through hours of starvation from sleep.
    if you skip breakfast, your body will use up fuels from other sources and deplete your nutrient storages.
    This slows down your metabolism and will in the end cause you to need less calories through out the day!
    So if you eat when you wake up, your body will have enough charge to work faster, better and stronger.
    Also you'll be less hungry later on in the day!
    If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I have recently been certified as a nutrition specialist through AASDN.
    I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone!
    Think about your body being a car.
    Your car will not run properly if you dont put fuel into it, well thats the same thing with your body.
    Breakfast is your fuel that will help replenish your energy after it has gone through hours of starvation from sleep.
    if you skip breakfast, your body will use up fuels from other sources and deplete your nutrient storages.
    This slows down your metabolism and will in the end cause you to need less calories through out the day!
    So if you eat when you wake up, your body will have enough charge to work faster, better and stronger.
    Also you'll be less hungry later on in the day!
    If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask!

    ::Raises hand:: I have questions

    Do you have any actual evidence that not eating breakfast depletes your nutrient storage? And why would your body using fuel from other sources be a bad thing, if let's say it's fat?

    And any evidence that merely skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism?

    And in your nutrition courses did you learn anything about not talking in absolute terms, like "I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone"?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I have recently been certified as a nutrition specialist through AASDN.
    I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone!
    Think about your body being a car.
    Your car will not run properly if you dont put fuel into it, well thats the same thing with your body.
    Breakfast is your fuel that will help replenish your energy after it has gone through hours of starvation from sleep.
    if you skip breakfast, your body will use up fuels from other sources and deplete your nutrient storages.
    This slows down your metabolism and will in the end cause you to need less calories through out the day!
    So if you eat when you wake up, your body will have enough charge to work faster, better and stronger.
    Also you'll be less hungry later on in the day!
    If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask!

    congratulations on being certified. but pretty much everything you said is not true and some of what you said is a HUGE leap away from the truth.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Where's my popcorn? This is getting interesting.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    YES I EAT BREAKFAST!! You are hungrier when you eat breakfast beacause your metabolism is busy burning fuel. Eat a protein/whole grain packed breakfast. That will keep you full. a little longer! What you eat is just as important! Stay away from sugary cereals and pasteries. They will make you want a nap!!! At least that's my experience!

    You have lost 36 lbs you are doing something right!! Do what works for you!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    A poster child for a food company!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    I have recently been certified as a nutrition specialist through AASDN.
    I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone!
    Think about your body being a car.
    Your car will not run properly if you dont put fuel into it, well thats the same thing with your body.
    Breakfast is your fuel that will help replenish your energy after it has gone through hours of starvation from sleep.
    if you skip breakfast, your body will use up fuels from other sources and deplete your nutrient storages.
    This slows down your metabolism and will in the end cause you to need less calories through out the day!
    So if you eat when you wake up, your body will have enough charge to work faster, better and stronger.
    Also you'll be less hungry later on in the day!
    If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask!

    Remind me not to hire any nutritionists with that certification then if that is what they teach you.
  • eatlessnachos
    eatlessnachos Posts: 9 Member
    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! Breakfast has never felt right for me. It just feels like stuffing a pointless extra 300 cals into my body for the day. Plus, I have never been a fan of breakfast type foods. My dream breakfast is lunch!

    I'm not hungry when I wake up, and like other people said, I'd rather use my calories during meals when I will enjoy them.

    As for the idea of focus - eating breakfast alone does not give my brain any extra clarity or focus.
    But exercising in the morning DOES help me with energy levels and focus. On the days I exercise in the morning, I do tend to eat lunch early.

    I'm not a health expert - I have spent my 20s straddling the line between a healthy and overweight BMI. But just because healthy people eat breakfast, does not necessarily mean that eating breakfast makes you healthier. Pretty sure my weight issues are because I love the other meals of the day a little too much, not because I skip breakfast.
  • scarecrow41
    Hey Everyone,
    I have recently been certified as a nutrition specialist through AASDN.
    I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone!
    Think about your body being a car.
    Your car will not run properly if you dont put fuel into it, well thats the same thing with your body.
    Breakfast is your fuel that will help replenish your energy after it has gone through hours of starvation from sleep.
    if you skip breakfast, your body will use up fuels from other sources and deplete your nutrient storages.
    This slows down your metabolism and will in the end cause you to need less calories through out the day!
    So if you eat when you wake up, your body will have enough charge to work faster, better and stronger.
    Also you'll be less hungry later on in the day!

    ::Raises hand:: I have questions

    Do you have any actual evidence that not eating breakfast depletes your nutrient storage? And why would your body using fuel from other sources be a bad thing, if let's say it's fat?

    And any evidence that merely skipping breakfast slows down your metabolism?

    And in your nutrition courses did you learn anything about not talking in absolute terms, like "I am here to tell you that breakfast is an essential meal for everyone"?

    I admittedly haven't read all 3000+ of your quotes but the last 20 or so have been quite condescending. You obviously have interest and knowledge, but you need to tone it down, dude.

    As to the topic, I agree with the consensus here. The importance of breakfast is greatly overstated.
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    I love breakfast. I love breakfast foods. And I'm usually hungry in the morning.

    BUT...I've noticed, in my personal experience, that I will be hungrier later in the day regardless of how much I eat in the morning. So it doesn't matter whether I just have a 130 calorie latte or a 500 breakfast of whatever (though I will say that protein tends to tide me over better than high carb cereal). I will still want to eat a larger meal later in the day, and I will go over my calories if I've had a big breakfast. Plus I tend to want to snack more.

    I read one of the intermittent fasting websites with interest (has been posted elsewhere here, I think) and tried that...but I can't quite go without anything. So I drink the latte, and the caffeine tides me over for a few hours. I don't think there's anything wrong with your approach if it works for you!