aristakat23 Member


  • My goal is to lose 30-40 lbs. by the end of the year. I can no longer live like this. I feel terrible about myself and just want to be happy and healthy.
  • Thank you for the encouraging words. I'm on the same boat.
  • I’m so sorry to hear of your injury. Glad you sought medical care. I was thinking of upping my weights but after reading your post may consider against it. What did you up your weights to, if you don't mind me asking.
  • I hope you feel better. A lot of people at work are sick so it's been slow which makes me slow down as well. I hope to push myself harder tomorrow. :-)
  • The part of my body I need to accept is my back and stomach. I have to remember that with hard work and determination I can lose the fat.
  • Day 3 DONE!!! My arms and quads hurt!!! Glad I'm still sticking to it. I'm not looking forward to level 2. LOL
  • Day 1 DONE!!!! I can't believe how hard those exercises were. It was difficult to do the jumping jacks as I was nervous about disturbing my downstairs neighbor. I have to find out what other exercises I can do to substitute the jumping exercises. So glad today is done. From here on I'm doing these exercises in the morning.
  • I'm going to post the pictures at the end of this journey. They were truly an eye opener.
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Katherine and this is my first of many in the health and exercise realm. I look forward to my first workout tomorrow morning. I'm turning 27 on March 23rd and want to look and feel great. My current weight is 150 but if I follow all of the articles I've been reading I should lose 25% of my body…