

  • Well, here's the deal I think. In order to get your metabolism revved up you need to give your body some fuel. Just because you're below your calorie intake, doesn't mean that you will automatically lose weight. His body is not used to the limited amount of fuel he's taking in, so it has probably gone into the starvation…
  • Well, congratulations are in order first and foremost. And you don't have to let all the hard work be for nothing. You can be the most physically fit cute mommy in the world if you want to be. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't work out, doesn't mean you can't eat healthy foods and watch your calorie…
  • Sara, in order to keep your metabolism revved up, you need to eat all or most all of your daily calories. If you should be taking in 1200 calories, then eat 1200 or as close as you can get. Your nutrition is key though. Make sure the calories you are eating are good in nutrition. Fruits, vegetables, fish. Check your intake…
  • @ klb620 - Honey, don't worry about what those negative ninnies have to say, there are folks out here listening to you. I just wrote a long post that you might enjoy. Keep up your journey and know that you're not alone in your walk. There are more husbands out there not listening than there are those who are. We know that…
  • Well, I think it's best not to talk to the men about our weight loss because they never say what we want to hear. They don't have a clue what we want to hear. They are mostly consumed in their own little world of turmoil and woes. However, as long as they are not putting you down, or making you feel worse about yourself,…
  • Welcome to your new life Lucas. I'm just beginning my journey and I feel better just knowing that I have a goal in mind and I'm working toward reaching it. Hang on to that positive attitude and look for that motivation at every turn. Good luck and it sounds as though you're off to a good start. Happy living to you 2!!!…
    in Hey :) Comment by slk1954 January 2012
  • I have also had additional calories remaining at the end of my day and I choose to think that I really did extra well that day instead of having extra food to eat. I know that some days are going to worse than others, so on those days that I have calories left over, it helps me feel a little better about those days that I…
  • I met my current fiance on Facebook. We met in December 2010 and are now living together and planning on marrying some day in the not too distant future. And yes, it is harder to meet someone when you're older. I'm 57 years old and married and divorced twice already, so I was very discouraged about my future love life. He…