Not lost a pound in 2 weeks. Strict diet, what gives???

Thank you for taking the time to read this and provide your suggestions. Trust me they do not go unappreciated.

Here is the thing. My husband (and I) has been on a strict vegan diet, no bread, very minimal pasta (100% whole grain at that), no eggs, no cheese, no meats, no added sugars or salt, etc. No alcohol, no smoking. He (we) has been sticking to fruits and veggies and even juicing them. In his first week he lost 10lbs (me only 2). Since then he has added exercise to his weekly routine, the first week it was just diet alone. He started Power 90 and does it 4-5 times a week. Last week was 5 days, week before was 3 or 4 days.
He is a big guy (started at 255) so we both think this is crazy that he has not dropped anything in 2 weeks. He has been below his calorie needs and as far as we can tell he has been doing everything right. I worked long and hard to get him to start doing this and I don't want him to start getting discouraged and give up. (Don't know if he will but that is my fear).
Is there anything we can do? What could possibly make him NOT lose weight?


  • slk1954
    Well, here's the deal I think. In order to get your metabolism revved up you need to give your body some fuel. Just because you're below your calorie intake, doesn't mean that you will automatically lose weight. His body is not used to the limited amount of fuel he's taking in, so it has probably gone into the starvation mode for a while. Start adding much more protein to his diet and see if that helps. Also get him to eat all of his calories every day. I know it's hard to get past the idea that you have to eat a little more to lose weight, but you need to eat a little more sometimes to get your metabolism off dead center and revved up again. Add some protein to his diet, and tell him to remember that he's toning muscle and muscle is heavier than fat, so the scale will not be going down so quickly now that the muscle is starting to get weighty. Tell not to give up! You don't give up either. The rewards are great!!
    And you guys have a good time with this too. Keep a light heart and don't let this bog you down.

    Sheree (sLk1954)
  • KelliHarrison
    My husband and I are on a very strict diet as well (administered through a dr's office).
    We started on Dec 16th, 2011 - and he has lost 25lbs and I've lost 17 I think (give or take a little in water weight).

    What I've learned is that WATER WATER WATER has such a huge effect on wether you retain or lose.

    For example - this week we are on 800 calories and 40 carbs. you need to make sure that at least 10 percent of your calorie intake is protein.

    Watch your sodium intake as well - that can be a real kicker.
    The exercise that you've integrated is a great idea too.
    On that note - i was told by the dr if you know about when you are going to work out - about 45-60 minutes before that drink a glass of hot green tea - it helps you burn more calories during your workout.

    Keep with it and you'll both do great.

    I'm definitely no pro at this weight loss / diet thing and have had my share of frustrating days/moments - but I'm learning a lot about making a lifestyle change - yet not really depriving myself so that I get to the point of resentment.

  • KelliHarrison
    oh yeah - to add to what the other person said - sometimes it isn't in the scale as much as it is in how the clothes fit and how he feels when climbing stairs, working out, etc.
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    I agree with poster who said he needed to eat more. While I have not yet wrapped my mind around how to figure out how many calories to eat, I have heard (in particular about men) many stories about people who were not losing weight despite being on a strict diet and exercise regimen, then they upped their calories and started dropping weight again.

    BUT you must also remember that if he has started an exercise regimen that incorporates a lot of weight training, he may build up his muscle quickly.

    1 pound of fat takes up 3 times the space that 1 pound of muscle does.

    I think it will be VERY important for him to take measurements. Waist, hips, thighs etc. Then he can see when he loses inches even if the scale is not budging.

    Also take pictures for before and after. That way he can see how his body's shape changes, again, even if the scale doesn't move much.

    Good luck!!
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Thanks everyone. I am glad to have read your responses. I will definitely utilize the information that each of you have given to me/us. It does sound weird to eat more to lose but now that I have ready that it does make sense. If you eat to little it only makes sense your body would go into starvation mode just like if you skip meals or go for hours without eating when the body is not used to that.
    Have a blessed day and thanks again!
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Hello, turbo... Yes, your husband may not be eating enough and he needs more calories to fuel his workouts and get his metabolism going again... Not enough food will make him stall in his progress.

    P90 comes with his down nutrition plan, correct? He should follow that instead and he should get much better results if he does.

    Good luck!

  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Thanks Step! I am going to get him eating more and see how that goes. Thanks for your reply. I will have to look at all it has with it.
    There were a few things missing and I called to inform them. They sent out the missing items but when I got them today it was not the items that were missing. SO I have to re-call them tomorrow.
  • Timdad
    Sometimes he may lose 8 pounds in a week and then not much for a couple. But over the course of several months the results look like a nice downhill ski slope. Just not from day to day though.