Guilty as charged!
The only way that I have figured out how to update the ticker is to go the website and update it. You can use the first line in the code that tickerfactory gives you. Example: Go here and enter the password when you set up your ticker and update it. Then copy and paste the code in your sig. Not the easiest way but it…
3.6miles tonight url=] [/url]
So I created this ticker to track the mileage. Need some help on how to update it. Thanks!
OK, so I'll join in the fun. I'm kind of new to the site and I've been running for a bit. My sister and I may run a half marathon in a couple of months if we're ready. Wish us luck.
Lexington, KY
I've been using this site for a week and it is great. Going to the beach in July so I'm trying to get in shape. This site will be a big help.