Weighing yourself... are you guilty? :)



  • expressbug
    expressbug Posts: 100
    I'm an addict, I weigh myself every morning naked and every night naked. I can guess what my weight will be the next day by what my weight is before I go to bed. I'm crazy, I've been doing this since high school. It's a bad habit but I can't help it.
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    I weigh everyday...with the exception of the week before and during TOM. I always gain a significant amount of weight then, which goes away afterward so it totally doesn't count, right?! If it doesn't count, and it's more weight, I don't want to see it or know about it.:tongue:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I do it every day, and if I've gone down a few days in a row, I'll update it here. But like someone else says, it keeps me accountable. At this point in my new lifestyle (about 2 mos in) it's also helping me see what I ate the day before does to me, what makes me keep water weight, etc. And every day, after finally getting my eating under control, it's stayed the same or gone down, so it totally motivates me to do more. There was about a 2 week period when I could exercise due to being sick and couldn't log due to no internet, so I had gained back 3 pounds and had to lose it again... but except for that one glitch, its' been going the right direction.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I weigh myself at least once a day, usually more, sometimes with clothes, sometimes without. The trick is that I don't get emotionally involved in what it says. Sometimes it says "Barbie, you're fat and you'd better watch what you eat and exercise more" Sometimes it says,"Barbie, you're doing a great job, keep up the good work". No matter what it says, the truth is that I need to stay with my food plan and exercise as much as my body can stand.

    My clothes fit better now than they have in more than 5 years:bigsmile: , I have more energy :bigsmile: and the pounds are coming off.:bigsmile:

    I'm part of a challenge right now where we've set goals for the end of the month, so no matter what the scale says today, nothing counts until March 31.

    I praise myself for sticking to my plan. If I do that, the weight will come off.:bigsmile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm an addict, I weigh myself every morning naked and every night naked. I can guess what my weight will be the next day by what my weight is before I go to bed. I'm crazy, I've been doing this since high school. It's a bad habit but I can't help it.

    ditto. every day, twice. I can also predict what will "disappear" during the night, so it's like getting a preview when I weigh at night.

    LOL I must be OCD like everybody else!!!
  • codykitty
    codykitty Posts: 729
    girl, I weigh myself everyday...pre and post bathroom...I have issues.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Oh! To add. My goal is to weigh once a month, but I can't start trying to wean until the BL challenge is over. I figure when I decide to weigh once a month my scale(s)... yes, i have two, are going to be hidden in the basement. I have SUCH a bad memory that if I hide them it will take me about a month to find them again. HEE.
  • ajasiak
    ajasiak Posts: 108 Member
    i stopped weighing myself every day sunday i was 235 lost 5 lbs monday i was 240 gained it back today back to 235 lbs i hate fluctuating weight it depresses me

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  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    I'm an addict, I weigh myself every morning naked and every night naked. I can guess what my weight will be the next day by what my weight is before I go to bed. I'm crazy, I've been doing this since high school. It's a bad habit but I can't help it.

    I do the same thing! ha ha! This whole thread is making me laugh! I am so glad I am not the only obsessed person out there. I was so bummed this morning because every day since I joined (March 1st) I have been a partial pound lighter...but today, I was up 4/10's of a pound! And I DIDN'T record it! No way! Ha ha! :blushing:
  • cesblusk
    cesblusk Posts: 9
    Guilty as charged!
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    Every day, at the gym, before my workout. Workout clothes on but no shoes!

    I log every little fluctuation. Then I go back about once a week and look for patterns in the reports.

    I don't have a scale at home on purpose because MANY days being able to weigh myself is what gets me to go to the gym in the first place!

    My name is Jennifer. And I am an addict.:blushing:
  • hopeitworks
    hopeitworks Posts: 284 Member
    I'm guilty too. I weigh myself every morning after my shower and before I get fully dressed. I only register my weight on Friday morning, though. Aren't we all a bunch of sickies!!!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I look whenever I feel like it. I don't even have a set weigh day. Sometimes I go for weeks without weighing, sometimes I do it every few days.

    Oh, and I have NEVER marked an upward swing. My lowest weight is my new weight, and if it doesn't go down like it should, I just pretend I didn't see it. :laugh:
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    I weigh myself multiple times a day. I could tell you how much I weigh under almost any life circumstance :embarassed:

    me too.:flowerforyou:
    it's amazing that i can gain or lose lbs from having sex, going pee, taking a shower, drinking a cup o coffee, working out, etc....:tongue:
    but what he # says does not effect me as much as what i know my preceeding actions were.:noway:
    i log daily, after my 1st morning weigh in. :smile: i do not change it. even if it goes down.:cry:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I weigh myself Monday morning after my workout, Tuesday night after my workout, and then Wednesday morning after my workout and take whichever weight is the lowest. Although, if it does go up, I'll change it on here. My husband laughs at me.

    See...now Mondays would be a bad day for me because I usually have my cheat day during the weekend. I weigh on Friday mornings because I'm usually very strict on what I ear during the week since I'm at work and do cardio every afternoon.