

  • yea it's good to drink a lot of water but I have a fainting problem and if I dont have enough sodium then I can faint.. my dr told me that everyone thinks sodium is horrible for you but your body really does need it.
  • HEY good for me didnt drink at all tonight.. but now have a handle of cheap vodka.. ill try to save it for when i go back to school..
  • Thanks! Wow i didnt know that your liver stops working.. no wonder i gained so much weight at college!!! too much drunk ramen and pickles...
  • When my parents were in college i think the age was 19. It went from 18, 19, 20, then 21. We live in MA
  • mayonaise freaks me out. nuff said. but i do like bananas with better than peanut butter on deli slim bread or sometimes on those little chocolate miniature ricecakes. my boyfriend makes the most ridiculous sandwich ever.. cinamon swirl bread toasted, peanut butter, fluff, bananas, chocolate syrup, and of…
  • Last year around march-june i was taking rapidslimxs for women and lost about 20lbs. i also ate pretty reasonably (not counting cals) and would run a mile full speed w/o stopping everyday after school. I looked great.. you can see in the skinny pic in my ticker. but then i stopped taking them and steadily started to put on…
  • Taco Bell Crunchwrap Supreme Deluxe Mac N Cheese ( the shells w/ the squeeze bag cheese.. i could eat the whole batch) grilled cheese calzones greasy chinese food caesar dressing on everything broc ched soup w hunks of bread anything w cheese basically..
  • is bikram the one in a hot room? my roomate at college was really into it.. i should try
  • laughing cow cheese wedges.. sooo good one wedge 35 calories, spread em, melt em, love em
  • try to eat small snacks with protein AND fiber. the combination fills u up for longer. i like a piece of low sodium deli turkey with abit of mustard on a cracker that mom always has in the house.. idk what its called but its really thick and pretty big and around 50 cals. fills me up for a while. or try eating some…
  • 0g sugar and i dont see any hi fructose syrup business in the list of ingredients i dont understand
  • i use a cup of that pasta ( usually we have leftover cooked in the fridge) and microwave it with a wedge and half a tomato cut up for 2 minutes then stir it up and sprinkle with the light parmesan style topping and its sooo good
  • What do you guys think of sobe lifewater? ive been counting it as water because basically thats all it is plus vitamins. and its 0 cals.
  • wow i guess i never paid attention.. well im like obsessing over the menu.. you can plan out your meals the night before or even a few days before, select the food you're gonna eat, then it tells you the calories, and all nutritional values. this is awesome. i feel like i never planned what i wanted to eat before going to…
  • lol i know but they do have more basic stuff that i do like.. like vneck tshirts.. that are like 28 dollars!!! and the dresses sometimes are cute but are soooo body hugging
  • haha wow wait did u say there are nutritional values for the food? where can u find them? which dining hall do u usually go to? sorry if that wasnt ur post i have to double check
  • hahah yea.. i figure its a big enough school to share this info without feeling creeped out
  • omg heidi thanks thats a really good idea. it reminds me of when earlier this semester when me and my best friend (skinny vegetarian 5'10" never works out blahhhh my thinspiration) were trying to save money on our drunk munchies and brought a tupperware box of pickles back from the dining hall and pigged out.. cant blame a…
  • Thanks guys, as for drinking.. i really don't see myself stopping. I dont drink really at home, but at school it's all there really is to do I guess. All my friends drink, and I go to one of the biggest party schools in new england. I need to budget my calories and try to only drink on friday and saturday. I think that if…
  • Calise Deli Slims. 1 roll (2 Slices) has 100 cals, 20gcarbs, 2 g fat, 4g protein, 6g fiber. wicked good on any sandwich
  • fantasy: I am thin as I have been since I was 15.. 119lbs and curvy. I live with my boyfriend , have an awesome art teaching job, and have enough money to live comfortably and happily. I have a house and a garden and cats and dogs and maybe a couple babies (in a couple of years..) Reality: I am 150 lbs. I don't fit into…
  • oh i just made my food diary public so you guys can see what i've been eating. although.. ive only been on this site for like 2 days so theres only 2 entries... you can still see that I am eating just not enough cals apparently