im scared to go back to college..



  • wow i guess i never paid attention.. well im like obsessing over the menu.. you can plan out your meals the night before or even a few days before, select the food you're gonna eat, then it tells you the calories, and all nutritional values. this is awesome. i feel like i never planned what i wanted to eat before going to the dining hall so when i got there i was bombarded with tons of food and wanted all of it.. not i can figure out what i can actually eat and there are a ton of local options. i could even take the food list with me and enter it on mfp the night before and know that i'm on track. so cool. haha thanks so much
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    try bacardi and diet...its not bad...and very low in calories. I like to mix crystal light and vodka too, but they won't give you that at a bar! light beer isnt too bad either. Stay away from regular beers though, and sugary mixed drinks....and most of all...the drunk binge after!!! Im almost 30, and still earning how to party heAlthy lol
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    If you can make Pina coladas and margaritas at home, try mixing with real fruit, and not a lot of mixer. that way u get your vitamins too! :smile:
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    What I did while I was in college (when I was my lowest weight 124): I didn't worry about calories so much as the content, making sure to eat lots of fruits and veggies and just let the rest happen. Then, I scheduled all my classes to have an hour break in between. That way, if I had homework, I could finish it right after class, and if I didn't I could go to the gym. And if they canceled my next class, back to the gym! Focus on being fit, and rest works itself out as long as your not going to the extreme with food.
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