Stephany_W Member


  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I wanted it to be a quick meal so I went with a cheese omelet. I am only on 1200 calories so dinner for me is usually around 400 calories. Then I usually have a snack to use up my workout calories after dinner.
  • I get migraines as well and I actually take the migraine prevention medication all the time, not just right before a migraine starts so that might be something for you to look into. I also take Naproxen for cramps. (Prescription dose of Aleve)
    in Pain :( Comment by Stephany_W March 2012
  • Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 20 after 9 years of irregular cycles. I got pregnant almost 4 years ago, but that ended up in an ectopic pregnancy and had my left fallopian tube removed. I got married a little over a year and half ago and started TTC last January, but because of my known diagnosis and my age (32…