You seem to have a strong opinion about it, personal experience? Would you care to share?
And another "nope" let me clarify. post was for other Plexus members to add me ...but thanks for the feedback lol
Lol you actually took the time to tell me that you would pass? Well now you have me curious
So true working out and staying fit at 40 os sure different
Vegetarian most my life...the older I get the more vegan I become lol phasing out dairy lol, but honestly I would be a Fruititarian if I was able, north central pa winters aren't very good for fruit ....buuuurrrrr
Bahahaha this made me LOL
WOW you look wonderful! Keep up the great work! GBU <><
I lost my baby brother to a motorcycle accident over the summer :'( and running around the lake that he loved, and at the foot of the mountains he loved with the sun shining on my face made me feel very close to him
God designed us to do just that, we are programed at birth to eat when hungry and stop when's due to environment that we are taught to overeat (eating anytime you are not truly hungry). I actually taught a weight loss class on this exact concept, and have LOADS of information on it. If you're interested just get…
Took a run around our lake, feel so blessed,
Well, I'm not Latina, but I am married to an Ecuadorian :D and I'm learning more Espanol everyday :) I absolutely LOVE the Latin culture...always have
Thank you for all of the feedback! Much appreciated
That is exactly what I have been doing, brisk walk/jog for a mile, run hard for about a mile (this is where my heart rate goes over 200 and again I don't feel bad when this happens) and then a slower run/jog for the last mile
Hoping to get noticed...and some appreciation -_-
I try to do Yoga or Just Dance + my ab workout in the morning since our local gym doesn't open here until 330pm and only open until 7pm...and in the evening I go to the gym and do my heavy cardio and weight lifting
I have bad posture, weak back, and back problems. Sometimes I strain my back and it takes a long time to heal, and really hinders my workouts in the gym :( The Wii Fit Yoga has been a real life saver, I try to do the yoga everyday to eliminate pain, promote better posture and strengthen my back.
Great info everyone, I use JD2 and JD3 as part of my at home workouts, Thanks! DANCE ON!
My daughter is really short she will be lucky to reach 5' by the time she's done growing, she's 15 and 4'5" now
LMBO right! I was thinking of putting that I'm a vegetarian...
me too, both my brother and I felt that way, it makes us feel like we might vomit
me too!
God is good!
I can tie the stem too :D
hehe me too
I have a heart shaped freckle on my chest
ME TOO, have my whole life, since I've slept with a partner in my bed I have learned to move the fan from my night stand to the floor next to my bed, but without a fan I am WIDE awake
I have this problem too, someone told me once that it was from my body burning and purging sugars ...idk I know I've been back at this for over a month and it's not an issue anymore :)
truth! thanks
me too!
yeah I am doing a lot of lifting actually