vanessabs Member


  • I too love my sweets. I have found that if I can avoid the sugars and sweets and pop for 1-2 weeks I get to the point where I stop craving them, which is awesome. Unfortunately, it is so easy to fall back into the addiction. I read the previous posting about the supplement, very interesting. Good luck!!
  • I was wondering if 1200 calories is a realistic daily goal for an average size person. I have been doing 1200 calories for 3 weeks now. I do not feel like I have lost as much weight as I should have (2 pounds). I work out 3-4 times a week (35-45 minutes cardio plus weights) and have been for 5 months so it is not like I am…
  • When I first started on here (four weeks ago) and it said I should only have 1200 calories a day to lose weight, I did not think I could do it. But if you stick to healthy foods it is not that hard to do. I have not lost as much weight as I would like but I have lost inches so I guess that is even better. Good luck!!