

  • I drink them also, and honestly, Diet Coke is the least of my concerns! Like you I find they curb my appetite a little, and satisfy a sweet craving. So I will trade all the sugar, fat and cholesterol I was ingesting for a Diet Coke any day.
  • For Sure! We can all use a little help and motivation! I felt the same when I started. Allison
  • Hi there! Sounds like you are off to a very good start! I have two thoughts regarding hunger at night or actually anytime. First , in my first week I was much more hungry than I am now (week 6), many of those pangs will subside as your body becomes adjusted to the changes in food intake. Second, my savior has been Special…
  • My goal is to lose 80 lbs. Started Aug 1st, a nd have lost 13 so far- from 230-217. Would love to compare notes and do it together! Want to reach 150 lbs, then maybe more!