

  • Hi! Just joined as well and loving it so far. Accountabilibuddies would we *awesome* Feel free to add me, any of you. I log in at least daily so far (almost as addicting as facebook!) and have my pom poms ready to cheer fellow MFP'ers on! I am working on losing 70 lbs, so I'll be around for a while, lol.
  • Awesome idea! I am all out of wit for this evening as far as being of any use in naming, BUT would love to join! 1) Kat 2) CW 220 3) GW ...199 (I refuse to use the #2 key for my weight after March!) 4) No Soda! 6 days of exercise a week 5) I am a professional belly dancer ( you don't have to be a stick ) I have been…