Creating a New Challenge/Motivation Group~Let's have fun!



  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    1) alethia
    2) 205
    3) 185
    4) to stay away from junk food, log in on MFP, exercise daily
    5) I'm a 21 year old stay at home mom. I used to weigh 145 and got pregnant and gained 70 lbs a year later and I haven't lost any weight. So now I'm trying my best to get my pre baby body back.
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    The four seasons is a cool idea
  • qdiggs
    qdiggs Posts: 27
    I would love to join the challenge!

    1) My name is Quelle (its pronounced "Kelly")
    2) 233
    3) 220
    4) To be able to exercise 40 mins daily.
    5) I am 44 years old and a single Mom of three (21, 18, 7). I work as a Traffic Mgr for a communications corporation. I want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight of 160, if not more! After my second child I slowly put on the weight and my self-esteem sunk while the weight went up. I was feeling overwhelmed by the weight and wasn't living up to my true potential. In the past few months I realized that I was created for more! I want to move on to the next stage of my life healthier and happier. I've started eating healthier and exercising more (walking and doing a stationary bike everyday). I want to remain committed to this new lifestyle. I am ready to shed the old me and let the new me come through. We are doing the Biggest Loser at work (our version) so this challenge would be a welcome addition for me!!
  • Hi Ivy,

    Thanks for doing this. It sounds fun and motivating. A group name that I like is Loose the Caboose.

    About me .....

    I'm 57, I live in Atlanta, and I'm a nonprofit consultant
    I'm 5'2 and weight 130 pounds which is the most I've weighed in 10 years
    I am very active and exercise at least four times a week using a combination of high energy aerobics and weight training. I also walk a minimum of half a mile every day. I would like to lose 10 pounds.

    I consider myself an intelligent woman, however, at the moment I'm having some serious doubts as I can't figure out how enter your foods to the Daily Log. After you finish laughing can someone help me? I just stumbled upon this site this morning upon trying to find calories for a cinnamon scone. I really like it. What are the features that all of you find to be most helpful?

    Have a great weekend.

  • I'm ready for a new challenge! The 2 I'm in mow are fizzling out.
    Since the challenge ends in March I was thinking Shrinking Shamrocks lol

    1) Name : Angel
    2) Current Weight 197
    3) Goal Weight (for the end of the first challenge - be realistic so you stay motivated! ) 190
    4) Non-weight goal Make sure I get my workouts in with my full plate schedule
    5) Brief Introduction of Yourself.
    I am a 1st grade teacher at a low income school. I'm a wife and mother of 2 bio children and 2 step. 15, 14, 13, and 2. I'm also a grad student for counseling and taking two classes this semester. I started my journey in June at 240 lbs. 43 gone forever! I'm so excited about that!
  • I would like to join this challenge.

    199-1st quarter
    150-long term goal
    To exercise regularly 30 mins. per day, 5 days per week.
    I am 53. I have 3 grandchildren that I love spending time with. They are 15, 11 and 5mos.old. My husband and I like to RV and ride ATV's. Our kids and grandkids usually go with us. I have high blood pressure and heart disease and I want to get healthy and see if I can get off of some of my meds.

    quarterly counters-I used to work in a bank. lol
  • Awesome idea! I am all out of wit for this evening as far as being of any use in naming, BUT would love to join!

    1) Kat
    2) CW 220
    3) GW ...199 (I refuse to use the #2 key for my weight after March!)
    4) No Soda! 6 days of exercise a week
    5) I am a professional belly dancer ( you don't have to be a stick ) I have been dancing for 5 years and enjoy traveling to perform and teach workshops. BUT, I am le chubby. In those 5 years I've not ONCE bared my belly...and it's my job! This needs to happen. It. will. happen. I am 5'8" and would like to get down to (eventually) 150 ish. I don't need to be scrawny, and the belly dance community itself is *very* supportive of women of all shapes and sizes. This is for me, and how I feel about myself when I look in the mirror. Also, it's almost more important to me that my body is healthy and strong, for me *and* my dance.
  • Hi Ivy,

    Thanks for doing this. It sounds fun and motivating. A group name that I like is Loose the Caboose.

    About me .....

    I'm 57, I live in Atlanta, and I'm a nonprofit consultant
    I'm 5'2 and weight 130 pounds which is the most I've weighed in 10 years
    I am very active and exercise at least four times a week using a combination of high energy aerobics and weight training. I also walk a minimum of half a mile every day. I would like to lose 10 pounds.

    I consider myself an intelligent woman, however, at the moment I'm having some serious doubts as I can't figure out how enter your foods to the Daily Log. After you finish laughing can someone help me? I just stumbled upon this site this morning upon trying to find calories for a cinnamon scone. I really like it. What are the features that all of you find to be most helpful?

    Have a great weekend.


    Hi Ellen and welcome. I just got on here myself this past Sunday. It's really a great site. If you go to the top of your page and click on the word Food, it'll bring up a page that has everything broken down for you. Under each category is an add button. Click on that and it should walk you through everything. Hope that helps. Also, can you tell us what your Non weight goal is? For example, mine is to workout for 30 mins a day. Thanks for joining us!

  • I would love to join! :)
    1. Cari
    2. CW 203
    3. GW 135
    4. To be strong!
    5. I am an Army wife of 10 years and have two kiddos; a 7 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. My hubby is currently deployed for one year (due home January of 2013) and I have every intention of stopping him in his tracks when he gets off that plane! :) I am a Type 1 Diabetic, have been for 23 years now, on an insulin pump and super motivated for the first time in my life. Seriously. I have gone through the back and forth crap in my own brain on how I "should be" doing something about it and I've finally had enough. I am SO TIRED of not liking the way I look, of feeling like I'm holding my incredibly good looking and physically fit husband back (even though he doesn't say anything I figure if it bothers me it must bother him. After all, he didn't marry me this weight!) and I'm tired of having big boobs! I'm sorry for those who wish theirs were bigger; they're a pain to haul around and nothing fits quite right. I'm just ready for them to be smaller. I'm most ready though to enjoy my kids. To be the one they're running with and swimming with instead of the one who watches and applies the sunblock! I'm 30 years old and I've been fat for 6 years; I'd like to get some time back!
    I'm currently working out at the gym 6 days a week with a minimum calorie burn of 700 and my food intake has been completely changed. I feel awesome! It's addictive because I've never felt this good. Can't wait until the pounds start to melt off!
  • Hello Ladies and welcome. It's so nice to see so many joining in on the fun! Our countdown is 2 more days (Or I guess a day now) until the first challenge! Are you ready? I know I am, and I'm so excited to start this journey for the first "Season" of the year. We've got some great ideas on a group name, and I am pondering them all. Keep more coming if you wish to add your thoughts. My idea is to keep this group going as a year round group, based on 3 month intervals (Hence the idea for "seasons"). Let the ideas roll! :laugh:

    Sunday is the last day to join, and I will be moving us over into the Groups section Sunday night. I have added everyone so far onto the chart, as I will be keeping a track for us all. I hope I can figure out how to send a spreadsheet to all. If not, I'll figure out someway of posting our successes.

    Please remember:
    1) To log in often and to support each other. Don't be shy, we all want support and motivation!

    2) To weigh in on Sundays (This Sunday is a freebe if you'd like since we are just getting started, but if you've lost this week and want to share that, please do!:smile: ) Weigh-ins should be posted in our group by end of day on Sunday. If you will miss weigh in for some reason (things do happen), please just let me know that you will miss. Try not to miss more than 2 in a row.

    3) Share....I know I love getting new ideas on recipes and tips on great exercises and such, so please feel free to share. I may even add in a recipe swap at one point. What fun! :wink:

    4) Stay positive! This group is to be FUN as well as supportive. We all have not so good days, the trick is to not let it pull you down. Brush it off and start fresh the next day. Lean on us for support to keep that smile and motivation going! One season at a time!

    Great! So I will post our first challenge on Sunday evening in our new group home. I will post the new link on here Sunday evening to have you all switch over to the group page. Again, thank you all for joining! I am looking forward to getting to know you all on our road to success together!

    Have a great night!
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in!! :o)

    1) Kristie
    2) CW 229.6 :(
    3) Goal Weight (for the end of the first challenge): 210, UGW: 150, then re-evaluate :)
    4) NWG: I already workout 5-6 days a week, doing either strength training or cardio (or both). My friend and I want to do a 5k on 3/31/2012. I'm not a runner, so being able to run even part of that would be a real accomplishment. I'm adding C25k to my cardio beginning this week. Eeeeek...
    5) I'm 38, love MFP (it has replaced FB for me completely), and have three dogs. Sorry...terrible at the intro's... :o)
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 753 Member
    I'm ready for the challenge!

    Name: Viva
    Current Weight: 153 (Sunday, January 15, 2012)
    Goal Weight: 140 (end of March)
    Non-Weight Goal: Exercise an hour a day four days a week

    I am a wife, mother, and educator. I have always struggled with my weight, but now it's getting harder to get it back under control. I joined this site about ten days ago, and I LOVE it! I'm really looking forward to the challenge.
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura
    Current Wt., 170
    First Round Goal Wt. 155.
    Other Goals: to get more sleep and exercise more consistently
    I live in the beautiful mountains of NC with my wonderful family. I have been married for 20 years and have a daughter age 14. Weight has been a battle for me since puberty. I have had physical issues tied to the weight problems but I want to get to the bottom of the issues on all levels in an attempt to move past this. I love to exercise which has helped over the years but after a surgery several years ago, I now have fibromyalgia which has made exercise more difficult. How I miss running! I have been on this site only a few weeks. I look forward to your company and shared motivation on this journey to health and well being.
  • hollieshea
    hollieshea Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the invite. I am game!

    My name is Hollie. I joined MFP on January 1, 2012
    CW 125 (started at 133)
    GW115 (I am short.)
    Other Goal is to do cardio 4 times a week and learn to love it.

    I turned 40 this year and my body has gone to pot. My goal is to get toned and eat healthy. So far I have loved MFP. It keeps me accountable and I love seeing my progress.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Name: Cara
    Starting weight: 140
    Goal weight: 130
    Non-weight goal: only eat when hungry, and limit sugar
    About me: I'm an 18 year old student. I've never been really overweight and as a kid I was pretty skinny. My family is all overweight and always make comments on how I eat healthy, how I have self control when it come to food and etc. but really I don't. Because of their comments I have started hiding the food I eat and eating more and more. I've gained some weight and want to go back to my weight before and to regain control over the food I eat.
  • nanpio
    nanpio Posts: 1
    Hello. My name is Nancy.
    Current weight: 126
    First round goal weight: 115

    I am 54 years old, a mother of two and grandmother to three. I live in Northern Nevada and have been married 36 years. I have a fairly stressful job working a public sector employer. I have only 5' until the last two years have never weighed more than 105 pounds. I have hypothyroidism and as a result, have little or no energy. I have a treadmill, spinner and several other pieces of exercise equipment that I do not use.

    I love the idea of a challenge for motivation and accountability. I am afraid if I don't do something now, by this time next year, I will have added another 20 pounds. I also want am so tired of the daily exhaustion I feel due to lack of exercise and improper diet.

    I look forward to this challenge and wish everyone the very best of luck! I will be there to offer my encouragement throughout the challenge.
  • angellady0206
    angellady0206 Posts: 25 Member
    I soooo need this!

    Hi, I'm Linda.
    178 (CW)
    168 (GW for 1st session)
    NWG to spend more time on the treadmill than the couch but, realistically, to get some kind of exercise 5 days a week, to make healthier food choices and to look good in a bathing suit.
    I'm 53 (will be 54 in a couple of weeks), happily married, live in Ohio, work at a university, have 3 children and 3 grandchildren (4th one is due in March). I have 2 spoiled rotten cats. I LOVE to ride my motorcycle! :happy: I joined MFP in November but haven't felt motivated to do anything. I sure hope this group can give me the kick in the hiney that I need.

    As far as a group name...One Day at a Time, Motivated to Move, Scale Down, Weigh to Go

    Looking forward to making new friends and learning new things. Good luck to everyone!
  • I'm in!
    1) Stephanie
    2) SW 209
    3) GW 199
    I'm from Indianapolis. I'm a mother to two boys ages 18 and 13. I had bariatric surgery in 2002 and lost 140 pounds. I had to go on high dosages of steroids due to complications and put on almost 90 pounds. Losing it the second time is definitely harder and slower. I just joined a gym and have been going 6 days a week for the past two weeks. I love doing water aerobics and walking on the treadmill to music. I'm in the process of doing the couch to 5k program, on week 3. I signed up to walk in the Indinapolis 500 Mini-Marathon in May. I've been signed up the past two years, but have been unable to participate because I was in the hospital both times. This year I am determined to make it! My goal is to do water aerobics at least twice a week, couch to 5k three times a week, and weight lifting to tone and firm twice a week. I want to hit ONEDERLAND again and really soon!!!
  • angellady0206
    angellady0206 Posts: 25 Member
  • angellady0206
    angellady0206 Posts: 25 Member

    quarterly counters-I used to work in a bank. lol

    Hey, how about Quarter Pounders? lol