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Creating a New Challenge/Motivation Group~Let's have fun!

Hello Friends Old and New!

Ok. So I got the idea to do a challenge group from another challenge group I tried to join, but it was closed:cry: . So I am going to start a group for us to challenge each other. I will keep a spreadsheet of our goals and such, and we can help to keep each other motivated as we go through the next few months. I need to start with a group name, so give me ideas. Let's think of something catchy. I will then create the group and move us into the groups forum. I think it's great to meet new people and help to support each other in this amazing (but often difficult) adventure. I think it's a great idea to get started. Let's start with a 3 month plan (Jan-Mar); we can do these challenges in 1/4 sections. Also, we can use the group to help each other with ideas and share what has worked for each of us and what hasn't. I will keep this message open until Sunday evening (2/22). Then I will create our group. Bring on the ideas and support! Ok, so here it goes.....Tell me:

1) Name
2) Current Weight
3) Goal Weight (for the end of the first challenge - be realistic so you stay motivated!:wink: )
4) Non-weight goal
5) Brief Introduction of Yourself.

Here's mine:
1) Ivy
2) 153
3) 143
4) To do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day
5) I am a wife and mother of two boys (5 & 7). I teach music and drama privately, teach several local workshops, and teach K-8 music in a private elementary school. I have diabetes and a year ago was refused refills on my medication because we lost our insurance and couldn't afford the testing the doctor wanted done. So I needed to do something drastic. I went on a diet (The 17 Day Diet) to restructure my eating habits and lifestyle. I also started doing the WII Fit every day to add to this new lifestyle. Since last April, I have gone from 195 to 153. I was using Loseit.com, but my cousin got me to switch to here this past Sunday. I Love It! Looking forward to meeting new friends and encouraging all. Happy Challenge!


  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi I'd love to join your challenge group :flowerforyou:
    1. My name is Nicola
    2. CW 191lbs
    3.GW 175lbs
    4.To exercise for 30 minutes a day
    5. I'm a stay at home mum of 2. I gave up work 18 months ago due to depression and by then I had put on the 21lbs I had lost the year before. I have just signed on with a new doctor and been told I am overweight and have high blood pressure, as well as being at risk of diabetes as my mum and gran have it.
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    I'm totally up for joining!
    1. Keyonna
    2. 220 (CW)
    3. 200 (GW)
    4. To continue exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes a day (I'm currently on week 2) and to make sure I'm exercising at least 6 days/week.
    5. I am a 24 year old school speech therapist with Type 2 diabetes. My grandmother had it. I used to be pretty thin in high school because I was always doing some sport all year around. When college came around I wasn't doing sports anymore, I was spending late nights doing homework and studying and what better way to stay away than ordering a pizza, or going to steak n' shake or taco bell right? So the weight packed on and I didn't even realize it! I am on a mission now to be healthy and to take care of myself. I am getting married in October of 2013 and I want to be able to fit into the dress that I want, not the one that I have to settle with because I can fit into it.
  • digitalmayhap
    digitalmayhap Posts: 141 Member
    1) Name: Kristen
    2) Current Weight: ~300
    3) Goal Weight (for the end of the first challenge - be realistic so you stay motivated! ): 280-290~
    4) Non-weight goal: Make better living a lifestyle not a hassle
    5) Brief Introduction of Yourself: I had metal rods screwed to my spine when I was 12 and the weight piled on. I've already lost 70 lbs last year and need to drop off a few more (100+ to be exact). I want to be there for my wife all the way and I don't want my weight to hold me down anymore.
  • blissy_girl
    blissy_girl Posts: 45 Member
    1) Blissy (actual nickname)
    2) 205
    3) 190
    4) Exercise 5 days a week
    5) I am 35 with no kids. I have a very active (overly active) soical life and I love to spend my time with my friends. Last week instead of going out to eat we went rollerskating. I am only 5' tall so 205 looks like a lot more on me. I love this site, the social aspect of it has me hooked!
  • nicolawl1990
    nicolawl1990 Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join, it would be my first challenge and hopefully it will make me stick to this diet!

    1) Nicola
    2) 152
    3) 142
    4) Be more confident
    5) I am a 21 year old 3 year accounting uni student. I've yo yo dieted for about 3 years now and I am ready to finally get to my goal weight and stick at it for good. I am hoping to do camp america this summer so hopefully that will give me the motivation to be healthy and get fit!
  • I'm totally in!! What a great way to motivate others!!

    1. Lani
    2. 225 lbs.
    3. 215 lbs.
    4. Exercise at least 30 mins a day
    5. I am a wife and full-time student. I've been battling with weight for the majority of my adult life - especially since I stopped playing sports on a daily basis. My husband and I want to start a family soon (after school) and I want to be the healthiest I can be for myself and for our future child. Also, I will be working in the medical field, and I feel as though I can best educate my patients if I can not only discuss healthy lifestyle options, but also show by example. I just started fully dieting and exercising on Monday and I'm currently on day 4 and feeling pretty good! This is a great way to help keep each other motivated and I'm excited to join this group!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • peltrie1234
    peltrie1234 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Andrea!

    CW: 162.5
    GW: 140
    NWG: To get off of hypertension meds and improve overall health by learning to eat better, and working out at least 30 minutes a day.

    I resigned from my job almost one year ago because I was overworked and highly stressed out. After commuting for 3-4 hours roundtrip for several years to a high stress job, I finally said enough is enough when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. In addition, I had gained 30lbs. Since leaving my job I really didn't want to do much but lounge around all day, then about 3 months in I began to feel depressed about not working. I didn't do one bit of exercise. Finally, I decided to get up off my behind and start moving. I now jog or do run/walk hill intervals 3-4 times weekly, in addition I do a variety of workout videos that range from kickboxing to those super fun and lovely Insanity and P90X workouts. I'm excited to be a part of the group.
  • Wow. Hello everyone! I'm so excited to run this challenge group. Thanks to all of you for joining! I am planning to keep this thread open until Sunday to allow people time to join and prepare; so spread the word to your friends and family.

    Some house keeping:
    1. Sundays will be our weigh in day (good or not so good).
    2. Each week I will present our group with a new challenge for the week.
    3. I am going to keep a chart so if you'd like to change or adjust any of your goals let me know by Sunday.
    4. You must weigh in regularly and try to stay active. If you miss 2 weigh-ins, we will all try to track you down! :wink:
    5. Please try to log in often so we can support each other. That's the point~motivation and support!

    Also, we need a name for our group! What are your thoughts?

    I'm so excited to meet all of you. We will chat soon! :happy:
  • ham5038
    ham5038 Posts: 4 Member
    Name: Heather

    CW: 200
    UGW: 125

    First mini goal is 185.

    NWG: I gave up soda for my new years resolution, so I'd like to continue doing that. Also, I'd like to take vitamins daily. I am really really bad at doing that, and I know it's good for me.

    I'm a physician assistant student and have struggled forever with my weight. I'm living with my dad while going to school and he's not a dieter. So I'm having a hard time eating right when he doesn't. Hopefully I can get some things changed around here :)
  • ham5038
    ham5038 Posts: 4 Member
    oh and as far as ideas for a name go...since this thing is running through winter months...how about Whittling the Winter Weight? Or Suck it up 'till Spring?
  • oh and as far as ideas for a name go...since this thing is running through winter months...how about Whittling the Winter Weight? Or Suck it up 'till Spring?

    LOL... I like Whittling the Winter Weight, but I want to keep this group going all year just in 3 month intervals. So something that we could use all year round? Or should we change it each time? What do you think? If we change it each time, then I suggest WWW...
  • louiserainey
    louiserainey Posts: 51 Member
    Name: Louise
    CW: 180
    GW: 160
    Ultimate GW: 120
    NWG: Fitting into my pre-pregnancy jeans!

    I'm a stay at home single mother to one 3 year old daughter. I started MFP back in December, but didn't actually start making a hard effort until the last two weeks.

    Idea for group name?? Hmm... Totally Wicked Awesome haha ;)

    Look forward to chatting with you all!
  • teenio7
    teenio7 Posts: 104 Member
    1) Teena
    2) 141
    3) 131
    4) Workout 5 times a week
    5) I work with computers and I love football. I have 2 dogs, a shih tzu and a German shepherd. I'm getting married at the end of June so I want to get to my goal weight by then which is 115. I'm 5'2 so it's a healthy weight for my height.

    Group Name: Making dreams a reality
  • 1. Kathy
    2. CW 175
    3. GW 160 (for this go round) eventually 140ish
    4. My 10 year old is a runner and I would like to be able to do races with him.
    5. I am a school Nurse, more importantly mom to two boys and 3 dogs. Married for 28 years!

    How about 4 seasons weight loss challenge!
  • Welcome Ladies! Thanks for joining. This is sure to be a fun time. I am so excited to get this going. Sunday is our go day, and Challenge 1 will be posted. Feel free to chat until then. Also, once Sunday hits, I will be creating the group in the Groups link. Once that is done I will let you all know the link and where to go.

    Kathy- I like The 4 Seasons Challenge. Great idea. Or..... Challenging A Season at a Time.....Hmmm....ideas flowing! LOL.
  • chunkygirl29
    chunkygirl29 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to join :smile:
    1) Alma
    2) 170
    3) 160
    4) be confident with myself
    5) I'm 18, i LOVE to eat, so this is really hard for me. I have a daughter who is 18 months and I'm a sahm so I don't have money for classes or anything so I try to workout at home. I want to get in shape because I feel horrible when I look in the mirror and have very low self esteem.
  • joannewi
    joannewi Posts: 10 Member
    I'd like to join please! :smile:
    1) Jo
    2) 148
    3) 135
    4) More confidence!
    5) I am 58, married for 27 years, have a son, step-daughter and 4 GC. I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror! :frown: I want to be Slim, Sexy and Sizzling!
  • Welcome Ladies! Thanks for joining. This is sure to be a fun time. I am so excited to get this going. Sunday is our go day, and Challenge 1 will be posted. Feel free to chat until then. Also, once Sunday hits, I will be creating the group in the Groups link. Once that is done I will let you all know the link and where to go.

    Kathy- I like The 4 Seasons Challenge. Great idea. Or..... Challenging A Season at a Time.....Hmmm....ideas flowing! LOL.

    I was thinking along the lines of 4 seasons:
    whittling winter weight
    spring into action
    something summery
    Don't Fall back into old habits...etc
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Oh I am definitely in!!

    1) Jennifer
    2) 156.6
    3) 145
    4) Complete P90X (for the first time ever)
    5) I work full-time and have been married for 1 1/2 years. I was always skinny throughout high school and college, but then I got a desk job and the weight piled on. I would like to eventually get down to 125 - 130.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Ivy, great idea! I'll join you. The groups feature on MFP is relatively new -- I've been in some that seem to fizzle out pretty quickly. Hope this is successful.

    1) Eileen
    2) 161
    3) 145 by the end of March
    4) To be strong and fit for a 5-day bike trip (Pittsburgh to DC) with my daughter in June.
    5) I'm a 56-year old lawyer, married 25 years, with two children in their early 20's. I began gaining weight after my children were born and I had less time to myself, graduallly adding 30+ pounds to my 5'4" frame. I've developed a sedentary lifestyle with poor eating habits. I'm ready to make a permanent lifestyle change so I can really enjoy this next stage of my life.