ymaisred Member


  • They are refering to Fiddlehead Ferns, they are the uncurled new growth that are eaten in the upper northeastern "mostly". They can be bought but like ramps and morles are fun to gather in the woods. Hope that helps =) They are called that because the look like the curl on the head of a violin/fiddle =)
  • Ok, here I am for a silly question. I went to the App Store and looked and there is a C25K(TM): Free and C25K(TM) 99 cents They look the same? I HATE running, no seriously... living outside of a major city I always say "that I only run when chased with a deadly weapon, thank goodness that I have never been chased". But 5K…
  • Blugal, Your doing it for you and nobody here (should) judge you. So don't judge yourself, as I like to say if you fall off the wagon get back on the horse... the wagon is where the group hangs out the horse is your own individual ride. Onawho, I love Alton and he lost a lot of weight creating his list (which I love), but…
  • Welcome! We are all on a similar path here... You will have nothing but support, but we all know it is hard work.
  • Welcome! We talk shop all the time, mostly in newsfeed... good for you getting lighter for your four legged partners. We are a super encouraging bunch here!
  • Well, Blugal said it perfectly... SMART goals! Love the link, I could have used that yesterday. Skylark, that is STILL a goal! Poly, I was totally thinking of you! You need to find an indoor ASAP! Jlyle, those are some pretty descreet goals. Good luck! BiaF, you go girl! I have only memorized one... but that is a start…
  • KCoyoteco, you have inspired me! I work in a 4 story building on the 2nd floor. Today I went up and down them 3 times in 10 min. It is great way to break up the day... I figure if my co-worker can have 6 cigarette breaks, one or two stair breaks for me should be OK!
  • I recommend just recording your meals for the first week and doing something like trying to get your 8/8 (8 - 8 ozs glasses of water). Once you see how bad your doing you have a point of reference.
  • I was trying to invite my friend to the group, but it says I have to be a member of the group (I am a member) =( Has anyone else ran into this problem?
  • Hi all! I guess I was meant to be here. Last October I raised money and rode for SGK Ride for the Cure in Central Virginia, to fight breast cancer. I raised $2,700 and rode my new horse Diesel off property for the first time (had him for 11 months). We raised the 3rd largest amount and one of my awards was a year…
  • I was weighed at my annual physical last Monday, so this is my first offical posting. I weigh myself every Monday first thing, right before I get in the shower. Last Friday was my birthaday, so I didn't follow dieting to much, just watched my portions and drank my water. With that here is what I have done: SW: 158 CW:…