enfermera88 Member


  • I started IF a little over a month ago. It is perfect for me. I like the Leangains fasting method. I do a 14-16 hour fast, and 8-10 hour feed. ( I read that women should not fast as long as men.) I still try to eat clean. So the fasting is usually not the difficult part for me, it is usually trying to get my macros right.…
  • I thought I was the only "weirdo" that hates eggs! You could try a whole grain waffle or bagel thin with turkey sausage, or chicken/turkey slices to make a breakfast sandwich. Maybe with a little avocado for some healthy fat. (I don't like avocado either, so I would skip that.) My personal trainer really wanted me to try…
  • Congratulations to you and your fiancé. I tried to support my husband however I could while he was training for his CPAT, even if that meant running BEHIND him! :) they appreciate your love & support no matter what!
  • It's happened to me a couple of times. During a really hard workout, usually when I have other stressful things going on in my life. Other times when I feel like I'm not going to be able to make it through my workout, but when I finish and realize what I accomplished, I'm so proud that the tears just come pouring out!…
  • Lucky you! At least your husband understands what it means to be a nurse. My husband is a firefighter, and can't understand why I don't always get my two 15 minute breaks, let alone my 30 minute lunch break!
  • :laugh: Thanks for that! Chocolate chip cookies sound awesome right now!
  • Labor & Delivery. 7a-7p in San Antonio.
  • I did a mile run warm-up then 50 minutes for circuit training. Really worked up a sweat today!