Intermittent Fasting Buddies needed



  • ChxSurf782
    ChxSurf782 Posts: 169 Member
    Holla back!
  • Hottamoli
    Hottamoli Posts: 7 Member
    Are the 2 days of fewer calories back to back days?
  • fitbunny1
    fitbunny1 Posts: 2 Member
    I did IF about 1.5 years ago with great results. After a year of moving country for the third time I have made some unhealthy choices and put on around 8kg.
    I am starting IF again tomorrow eating between 11.30-7.30!!
  • fitbunny1
    fitbunny1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hottamoli the 2 days if you are doing 5:2 should not be in a row I believe that it should be spaced in the week ;)
  • esmesmomma
    esmesmomma Posts: 17 Member
    I also did this years ago bf I knew what it was called and lost a lot. 6 years later I've gained a ton of weight and am starting IF again. 18:6.
  • hittingitonemoretime
    hittingitonemoretime Posts: 7,615 Member
    I just started IF
  • OscarBraden
    OscarBraden Posts: 1 Member
    I do IF, been doing it for a month, lost 6 ibs and was already low bodyfat, now I'm even leaner and can't wait to continue progressing. It's the best thing I've ever discovered. I do 16/8 Kinobody style
  • lakefunn
    lakefunn Posts: 3 Member
    Add me, I'm being successful with intermittent fasting
  • RIMomma66
    RIMomma66 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All! I have been doing 4:3/Alternate day Fasting for 3 weeks and am down 12 lbs! I don't do a pure fast on the 3 days but do 500 calories in meal replacement shakes (Ideal Shakes) to keep my energy up (I'm a teacher- they can smell weakness!). I have found that water water water is helping me to stay on track! I can't wait to see how much success this summer will bring!
  • jonnie256
    jonnie256 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm going to start IF again tomorrow. I did it 4yrs ago and lost a lot of weight it since then I've had bad eating habits and been under a lot of stress and have gained all of it and more back. But I want a fresh new start. I'm going to be doing a 20:4(20hrs fasted,4hr eating window). I actually find it when I did IF that I get fuller faster and I dont eat as much as you would think you would. I am also going to start working out low intensity with free weights and work my way up in intensity the more weight I lose. I'm wanting to lose 45lbs in 3 months.
  • nagdha
    nagdha Posts: 30 Member
    I'm looking for IF friends too. Can you add me. I am doing 16:8 and seeing positive reaults. Help me keep going
  • rox51071
    rox51071 Posts: 1 Member
    I have done IF back 2013 and managed to kept for a year. I lost about 30 lbs. I nearly reach my goal weight but my weight loss had stopped. Not having friends whos doing IF during the maintenance period is difficult. The lack of motivation made me go back to my old habits. I gained them all back by end of add me. :) i would love to do it all over again. I will start on friday.
  • hiswifey2012
    hiswifey2012 Posts: 1 Member
    Please add me! I've been struggling with weight for such a long time would love to try this! Plz add to share tips
  • dmhigdon
    dmhigdon Posts: 5 Member
    Add me! I do a 16/8 split with strength training.
  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    Add me!
  • financelady12
    financelady12 Posts: 9 Member
    Please add me. I am new to the official IF diet but it is close to my natural eating habbits. I have been successful with IF 2x in my life but didn't know I was doing IF.

    The 1st was in high school. I was over 300 pounds I would skip breakfast and walk 2 miles to school. I had night school and would only eat fruit for dinner. I lost 60 pounds in 3 months. I was not attempting to lose weight. It was just a matter of convince and budget.

    2 years back I decided to loose weight and my co-worker told me about fasting cardio. I would wake up do an hour of cardio everyday. I was vegan and thus ate really clean, I lost just under 50 pounds. I kept that weight off and decided to pick up fasting cardio again and start weight lifting. I happen to run across this IF diet on YouTube and it makes total since to me. I frequently fasted 2 to 4 hours before my hot yoga workouts just so I would not throw up in class, and loved it.

    Fasting gives me clarity of thought and and an appreciation for food.
    Good food makes me feel good.

    Today is my first day of intentional IF. My plan is to eat 8 fast 16. 1st meal at 11 last meal at 6. 1300 calories a day. 30 mins of cardio 7 days a week. Strength training 4x a week.

    I wish you all much sucess.

  • aureum79
    aureum79 Posts: 30 Member
    I am doing IF 18:6 feel free to add me
  • cjktokyo
    cjktokyo Posts: 1 Member
    Add me - would be great to have support. I was very active until about 3 years ago when I was injured and had to stop any sport. I managed to keep my weight in check through 5:2 but then got lazy. Now I'm starting again and also I can add some light exercise.

    I usually have two days per week (changes weekly depending on my schedule) where I skip breakfast, have a low calorie soup for lunch and a small dinner.