

  • Whoops- signed in under my old name when I posted this.
  • Katie- Glad that the finger isn't broken. But sometimes it's almost better to break it. I've hit my hand off the edge of the basket before, and I think it's the worse kind of pain! And you can't just start screaming right there in the store either. Cina- That's so cute that your DD knows it's mommy's time. I wish my kids…
  • Stacey- Sorry your trip wasn't as great as you had hoped. I know nothing about gardening. Katie- That's a great work-out. Do some lunges on your way up the hill, and you'll really work those thighs and butt. LOL. No I don't want to kill you..haha. Leigh- Welcome to the group! Glad to have you! My mom lost 80lbs at one…
  • I'm sure you've heard it 100 times. Drink, drink, drink- WATER! Aside from keeping you full, so you don't have those hunger pangs, it will be good for your body in times of stress. They say you usually break out (with acne) when stressed or upset, and drinking lots of extra water will keep your pores clear so it's doing…
  • I was 129lbs and annorexic in high school. I'm 5'6 and 129 does NOT look good on me. I was so skinny (can you imagine if I had weighted 110 or so? YUCK!) that I honestly looked sick and like a walking skeleton. I'm not meant to be super skinny like that. I was 165 when I got pregnant with my son, and while that's…
  • OMG- she has amazing abs after having a c-section! But, I wonder if I could ever have the same results since my skin sucks and has almost no elasticity. At any rate, she's one smoking mama now!
  • I think I'm going to make these today.
  • I've got myself addicted to chocolate banana bites. Someone posted it here somewhere, it's just bananas cut up, and then dipped in chocolate. You freeze them, and it takes most of the banana flavor away so it's more like a popsicle. YUM! I also like yogurt covered raisins from Sunmaid. 1/4 for 120 cals or something like…
  • I've never tried it, but only because I heard bad reviews. The review was that it makes it feel like it's working when you do it- but that it doesn't have any lasting results that you would actually see. Know what I mean? I'd love to hear some stories of someone who actually has had results though!
  • Hey motley! Welcome back! I'm sure that I can speak for everyone, we'd love to be your friends. I'm not a vegetarian either, but I eat very little meat, and almost NO red meat. Shrimp on the other hand, I love! Home- Looks like lots of us are Army wives, or ex Army wives. Glad to have you. :) Nicole- Way to go! Awesome…
  • Hi Cristina! Welcome! My goal is to have a tummy tuck too, but I'm so nervous about the recovery. I had 2 c-sections so I'm in desperate need of one. Ive already had the consultation with the plastic surgeon. My husband is an Army Reservist and has been deployed twice to Iraq. We're hoping he's done with deployments.…
  • Tacos Pancakes Pasta with sauce
  • Deep fried oreos--yum! This kind of reminds me of the "Double Down" that KFC just had. The 2 fried pieces of chicken with everything between them instead of a bun. Heart attack here we come!
  • Katie- You're right. It is that time, I got the 'usual' indicators. Least it explains the hunger. I'm not sure what I will do with myself when my daughter is in school (She will start pre-school next year). Right now, my 4 year old goes to pre-school 2 and goes for 2.5 hours every morning. Ugh, I broke a tooth yesterday! I…
  • Nicole- I've got my fingers crossed! Trish- Awesome job on your weight loss. I bet the doctors are so proud of you and very happy to see your medical results. Katie- Homemade bread is my fave too. I use the Sandwich Thins too. They taste pretty good for being 100 cals and still are reasonable. princessleia1980- Don't…
  • Replying so I can save the recipe for later. :)
  • Sounds really good. I'm going ot have to buy some ice so I can try it out.
  • I am definitely not pregnant. I have an IUD in. I didn't feel nauseous when I ate, just had no real desire to eat and wasn't interested in what was in front of me.
  • I was drinking and keeping hydrated. And the only real exercise I did was walking around at the zoo type thing we were at. It wasn't anything extra. Strangest thing.
  • Morning all! Hope everyone's Monday is off to a great start. I'm not really a bread fan (just a necessary part of a PBJ sandwich), but it's usually pasta in any form. I am going to check out that bread though, because the 30 cal store brand low-cal bread is like cardboard. I have a bread machine and would love to make my…
  • KatieM7- Thanks. I just hate overloading on carbs since they are a weakness for me and I don't want to get in that habit. Yikes- running up and down bleachers sounds like it would be one heck of a work-out. I'd probably fall down them while I'm at it. Sara- Way to go on the loss! We were supposed ot go to Texas Roadhouse…
  • MzBug- I totally forgot about the salad bar! Probably because I've never touched it :embarassed: . And the cold shrimp is an awesome way to get protein and low cals in. I've been eating more shrimp now then I have in my life! Sad to see egg rolls on the list for not so good choices. :ohwell:
  • I recently started using lemon pepper seasoning on just about everything. I used it on green beans, shrimp, pork chops, chicken, etc.
  • I'm curious to know what food options are 'safer' then others for dieters when it comes to Chinese. I love love LOVE Chinese, but realize that it's got alot of sodium because of the soy sauce. Rice is probably the worst, along with the fried chicken pieces that go in the sweet and sour sauce. My choices for the best thing…
  • Anyone still out there? I haven't exercised all week, but I've stayed within my calorie range so far. Not much else is going on around here, same old stuff different day. I can't wait til it's cooler out and I can go for walks without dying in 90 degree weather plus humidity.
  • I didn't read the previous responses so I apologize if this is just a repeat. Try 'hiding' some veggies in your other foods. There is a black bean brownie that is healthier than a normal brownie and gives you that sweet tooth taste. Hide pureed veggies in other foods when you make them, and you'll never know.
  • Multiple times a day. It's like an addiction, but I only weigh in once a week on MFP. I just like to see what the number on the scale says. Makes me work harder if it hasn't budged all week before weigh-in.
  • I'll admit, I can be a PLV at time (let the flaming commence). I have 2 young kids (4 and 2) and sometimes it's just easier to park because the shorter the distance to the door, the quicker I can get in and out, and not have to tackle someone. If I'm alone or even just have 1 of the kids, I usually park wherever I can get…
  • I don't really have a list, but it might be a good idea for me to get some goals down! I just wanted to ask, why would you train yourself to sleep on your back instead of your side? Are there some health effects I should know about? I'm a total side sleeper, right side to be exact.
  • I use it as an exercise aid, but I'm also really out of shape and have some old injuries to watch. My suggestion would be to get a stronger resistance band, as the one that comes with it is really 'easy'. I get a good work-out from it, and can definitely feel the "run" and "inline skating" sections.