My gym has a creche until midday. I have my son in daycare 4 days and half day at nanna's. He's 18 months ld. Curves Complete has manu plans and one on one coaching. But they close for 3-4 hours a day from lunch until mid afternoon
Mountain range is me alright. I usually have at least 1 gain a month, but those mountains are getting smaller month by month
I’ve had a few questions about How the DietBet Game works. Brief summary below, click through to read in full FAQ – The fee is in US$, paid via PayPal. Anyone anywhere in the world can play (I'm in Australia). Ladies, men. It doesn’t matter your start size, as using percentage body weight equalises the field. You can play…
Great - see ya on DietBet :)
It depends on the person. A person struggling to get or stay on track is worthy of praise for just keepig to calorie goal, while the gym junkies need to do much much more for their pat on the back