

  • Cottage cheese: It's about 15 grams in half a cup and you can buy fat-free varieties. Also, it is pumpkin and squash season. Those seeds are edible, yummy, high in protein, and come free with the vegetable, which is also full of good nutrition. Clean out your pumpkin or squash, Clean the seeds from squash-bits by running…
  • courtesy of my mother to all of you: "I'm Lazy" Potato Soup 6 cups (or about 3-4 medium potatoes) peeled, cubed potato 1 sweet onion 8 oz fat free cream cheese 8 cups low sodium chicken or vegetable broth 1 tbsp olive oil pepper to taste Chop the onion very fine and sauté in the olive oil until the onion is translucent.…
  • I rarely get hungry, but at first it was hard to listen to my body to see if I was hungry, thirsty, or just bored. I think staying hydrated helps.