

  • Me too. When I go to the gym, I have a hard time "eating back my calories". I do sometimes, but sometimes I don't. Some days, at night, if I am way off my goal, I will eat a bagel with cream cheese, or other foods that aren't the healthiest just to satisfy my 1200 calories a day. I mean really, how many darn veggies can…
  • probably egg whites (fried) and apples....they are easy to prepare, little to no work. i eat the egg whites every morning. the yolk has almost the full cholesterol for the day and i don't miss it that much when the egg whites are fried (in non-stick cooking spray)
  • ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except i don't work in a clothes store. but when i go into A & F or Hollister, even their larges don't come close to fitting me :(
  • I won't let anyone take pictures of me because I feel so fat. I want my kids to look back and remember that their mom was healthy and active. I want them to see pictures of me with them. I want to not be ashamed of how I look.
  • Your daily calorie intake should be already reflecting your goal. If it says that you should eat 1200 calories, it is already including a deficit for weight loss. If you check what you burn daily at rest, it will be more than that. If you exercise, you add the exercise calories to the 1200 because you need to eat 1200…
  • I have two kids and am a full-time student. I am not a fan of not having any time to myself, so I have been condensing working out with studying. I take whatever book I need to read for school, set it on the treadmill or elliptical, and walk for an hour. I put the treadmill on 15% incline so I sweat and work, but I get my…
  • If you are one that only weighs in once a week, I think it is a GREAT idea to have your cheat day following the weigh-in. That way, you won't see the weight difference because you have had a week to be good after that. For some reason, I have to get on the scale everyday (sometimes more than once). I know people say that's…
  • I think I have had two so far. I didn't plan them, I just did it when I didn't feel like cooking. It was a massive cheat day. McDonalds and pizza for dinner. I actually felt horrible after I ate, emotionally and physically. I am going to make some better choices next time on my cheat day. I also read somewhere (I don't…
  • I just started dieting on January 17th ish and I feel your frustration. In response to your "what should I eat" question, I don't think it is THAT difficult to find foods that you can eat. I am supposed to be on a 1200 calorie diet and am trying to meet all of my nutritional needs. I read somewhere that protein for…