key1238 Member


  • :happy: I can so relate to this. My weight loss journey has been similar. Lost a bunch and gained a lot back. It is so not fair that some of us have to workout to be able to eat what other people can eat without gaining weight. Counting calories gets so old and tiresome but it works.
  • About 6 months after I started exercising and about 2 months after losing a few pounds my period was MIA. I had some other lady troubles as well and my dr prescribed 1000mg folic acid for the other trouble. After taking the folic acid my period returned and has occurred monthly ever since.
  • I love yoga! Some of the power/ Ashtanga classes burn a lot of calories. I've lost a good 60 lbs in part due to yoga. Yoga relieves stress makes me focus and is cheaper than physical therapy! Namaste.
    in yoga Comment by key1238 May 2012
  • Well that depends... My highest known weight was 224. At that weight I was a 18-20 in pants and 20-22 in tops. I have anything from a size 15 pant in my closet that fit ok with a belt down to a size 6 pair of shorts that I just purchased this past weekend. I am now hovering around 164 and am 5'8. In tops I am a medium to…
  • I just use it to get extra potassium a touch of soduim and a minimum amount of calories after hot yoga. It doesn't do anything for me for weight loss though. It tastes salty and weird though unless you get the flavored kind with sugar added.
  • Try thrift stores. Try Eddie Bauer Outlet if you want something inexpensive that will hold up if on sale you can get them for around 20 bucks. Honestly thrift stores have saved my wardrobe the last 25 pounds due to the fact that the more weight you lose the quicker you end up moving to the next sixe down. Most everything…
  • I have been as large as a G cup but now in some styles I am down to a DD cup and I have been anywhere from a 42 band size now back down to a 36-38 band size. You can wear a regular underwire bra and a cheaper sports bra on top, but you will wear out the regular underwire quickly due to sweating like Courtneymal17 said. My…
  • Age: 33 Height: 5'7-5'8 SW: 224 but 191 on MFP CW: 165ish GW: 150ish Medium build, apple shape, I eat anything, exercise at home, hot yoga, natural hair texture:smile:
  • You look much more toned after 3ds. Your stomach is flatter and more defined and you have much more lift to your bottom and your chest area. Keep up the good work!
  • I thought MFP was the secret to weight loss. This is the easiest calorie tracker I have ever used. 14 lbs down depending on what scale you believe. Nothing is easier than counting calories by typing apple, banana and scanning your packaged products into a program that ads everything up for you. .
  • Mine is 27.5 with the omron handheld. Women who are not body builders or figure competitors should be in the range of 18-26. But I am far from my goal weight so I am looking to gain more lean body mass as I lose weight.
  • I do!. Lately it's been 2-3 mornings with either a portion of the spark people boot camp workout, or 30 minutes on elliptical or indoor cycle, plus 10- 20 minutes of Rodney Yee's am Yoga, 10 minute Pilates solution or using a flexibility foam roller. 3 days a week of hot yoga, usually Saturday Sunday and a Mid week day. We…
  • I started my weight loss journey because I was not feeling healthy or happy. I was too fat, and hated how I looked in clothes. I kept getting bacterial infections, and my belly was ballooning out larger than my breasts. I also had pigmentation changes in my skin which is a tell tale sign of insulin resistance-- my blood…
  • Let me just say that I have not tried weight watchers since converting calories fiber and carbs into points is an extra math step I am not willing to do. Plus I do not want to pay for meetings to weigh in and talk about my diet. I can weigh myself for free and talk to friends about good eating habits. If WW works for you,…