kayci5288 Member


  • Thank you to everyone!!! You don't even know how great it makes me feel to have my hard work noticed :)
  • Thank y'all!! No secret! Just hard work, sweat, and good ole fashion determination! If I can do it I promise anyone can!! YOU are the only one holding you back. I used to hate when people said that. Now I know they says it because its true. Just get your body moving and eat clean :)
  • Haha!!! Well thank you and them :) I rarely ever wear make up. Only for special occasions :)) And thank you everyone for your kind words! This is such a boost in my confidence and I really appreciate the praise :D
  • That's my best friend!!! Way to go :) beautiful inside and out!
  • I do have loose skin on my arms, legs, and stomach. However, it's moderate, I have a muscular build so that has helped. I used to compete in weight lifting when I was younger so I think that has really helped in my progress. I've seen some people that will lose a substantial about of weight and due to lack of muscle their…
  • Thank y'all! I feel amazing and I love how my body has rewarded me for all my hard work! When I first started I could never picture the fit me. I've always been the "fat funny friend" now I'm the "fit funny friend". :D
  • These are great tips, tricks, and advice from everybody! I really appreciate it! I'm going to bump up my calories and see how that works, I dont feel comfortable eating back the calories I lose with exercise however, if after a week or so with a raise in calorie intake and I still am in a platueau, I definitely will try…
  • Thank you :) Don't get me wrong, I am very happy and proud of my progress. I'd rather it be how it is now than be at 0 lbs lost. I guess I just figured since I'm a bigger girl, the weight would shed off of me like it used to when I was in High School.
  • Crap... I just ate a can of progresso light... I think my problem is definitely what I'm putting into my body. I am clueless when it comes to what I should and shouldn't be eating. Its hard for me to understand I guess... something that says "light" or has low calories I just automatically assume is good for me to eat...
  • Okay... I'm going to try it.. I'm pretty scared. At this point I'm willing to try anything. What kind of foods do you recommend? I typically eat yogurt, granola, cheerios, or peanut butter toast for breakfast, lean cuisines, sandwiches, salads, left-overs from dinner the night before, or progresso soup for lunch, and…
  • No, I usually have to force myself to eat breakfast every morning. I wake up at 6am, eat around 6:30am. I eat lunch around 11-12, then I always eat dinner before 6pm. Very seldomly will I eat a 100 calorie snack, we keep those 100 calorie packs of various snacks in the house. I used to have a major sweet tooth, but I dont…
  • How do I post my food diary so everyone can see it?? I am allowed 1330 calories a day, before I was taking in the minimum of 1200 a day, and I'm trying to get it to 1330. I'm just not hungry like I used to be. The only days I ever go over my calories are usually on my "cheat" days. Even with that, I dont go over by too…
  • lmao! this made my day!
  • :)))) I like this meagerz! The most special thing I am looking forward to is looking HOTT in my wedding dress. But I am also looking forward to wearing a cute swimsuit this year to Galveston or South Padre!!!!!!
  • My wedding date - November 10, 2012 Plans are going along smoothly, for now lol. We've already booked the venue, photographer, and catering. I've got a budget planner, and a timeline planner so it helps out alot.Also I am going this Saturday to try on dresses!! My theme is Falling In Love which include; fall colors,…
  • HAHA! This is a good question, maybe you can add it? You can look it up to see how long burns how many calories during sex.
  • Its so awesome to see so many brides and bridesmaids, MOTB, etc posting! I love having similar goals and ambitions as you all! Thank you for all your congratulations and helpful tips! I hope we can all ecourage each other on this wonderful journey!! My wedding is November 9, 2012! I am super excited, the style of the…
  • I am planning a wedding too! For November though, I have some tips that may help in your process! 1st- BREATH! Stressing will only make you fell more defeated!!! 2nd- Find out what colors you want, once you figure that out, you can decide on alot of things like flowers, decor, and attire! 3rd- Decide what is most…