esmilanich Member


  • I absolutely LOVE Turbofire!!! I have had it for about a month and I LOVE it!! I did Chalean Extreme a year ago and went from a size 8 to a 4! Now, i wanted to try a little cardio mix and it is SO MUCH FUN!!!!! You should try it!! Email me if you have any questions!! It's really easy to do and it actually makes you like…
  • You guys can do it!! I hate exercising!! I do it at home through beachbody though!! I am now a coach. I used Chalean Extreme and went from 170 pds to 134! If you need help or motivation, email me!! You can go to my website at
  • You can do it!! I never did P90X, but I am a Coach for Beachbody, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I did Chalean extreme and went from a asize 8 to a 4. I am currently working with Brazil Butt Lift (AWESOME!) and just ordered Turbo Fire! Stick with it and like someone earlier said, quality over…