nrsymom Member


  • Go for it!! Moving as much and as often as you can will only help your progress!
  • I agree breathing helps. When I started running I googled how to breath when running (I am a google nerd) and the advice I got was two breaths in to three breaths out. I had to start really slow to get the hang of that and I had to count almost outloud to keep track (I have trouble doing two things at one time...LOL).
  • Friend request sent! For me, support is vital, which is why I turned to this site. For me, I feel like I am tooting my own horn when posting on facebook and when I am in need of a pep talk there is nobody around me that truely understands where I am. At least here, we all have the same goals and it is such a big community…
  • Tess this is a wonderful site and the app for your phone will help you stay on track no matter where you are. I have the most success when I log everyday and preferably after each meal. Sometimes I will even pre-log so that I can stay on track if I am going out to eat or to a party. Hope this helps and feel free to add me…
  • Yay to motivation! It certainly is a key! Add me as a friend and I will try my best to help you along the way!
  • This was me to a "T". Trialing the weekly weigh in this time around. First weigh in is Sat. **fingers crossed**
  • I have always been a daily weigher. I thought that it kept me in check so if my weight was up one day I would watch my sodium intake and pay closer attention to my diet. On the other hand, if my weight was down, I would go on doing the same things in hopes I was doing something right. Well, now I'm trying to loss the…
  • :blushing: Thank you! Friends added! Feeling special already!
  • Friend request sent!
  • Same here except I can't even remember how many times I've yo-yoed. Here I am again. After losing 60 pounds last year I have gained about half of it back. It is so frustrating! Each time I say, "This is it. I am not gaining it back!" So what is the problem? I have joined the community side of this site to see if the…
  • I have just recently started running and usually take my kids with me but there are plenty of people that run solo. Planning a route that is on populated streets/areas and keeping the pepper spray with you should keep you safe. Also, even though I haven't taken a solo trip, I keep my cell phone with me for the run.
  • Yay! You can do this! This site is a wonderful tool. You can add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Hi Courtney! One thing that I try to do when I hit a plateau is to change up my routine at the gym. Either change up your intensity or try a new piece of equipment. Most of all just hang in there. You'll start loosing again.
  • Hi Kimberley! I am sorta new too. New to the community side but I lost 60 pounds with MyFitnessPal last year. I am back because I have gained back almost half of that weight. I know stress can make weight loss challenging and I am sure it had some part in my re-gain. Trying to be everything to everyone leaves very little…
  • Welcome! I am not new to MyFitnessPal but am new the the community side of it.