

  • I'm using it as part of my carb cycling and HIT training. It does curb hunger. It is low calorie. What I like the most is that it contains no Aspartame nor Sucralose (which gives me headaches). There is no aftertaste. It blends well and freezes well. For a lower cost alternative, check out Nature's Way Metabolic Reset…
  • I had problems with weekends too until I realized that I needed to plan for them just like I do for the week. Pick up a watermellon late in the week. If you feel the urge to munch on something, go for the watermellon first. It will satisfy your craving. Since it is mostly water, you can eat a lot without many calories. 1…
  • The late meal is part of a bigger plan based on keeping your metabolism constant so it always revved up to burn calories. It reflects well on the dietary requirements of a diabetic. The point is to keep your six meals and snacks per day so small that thru digestion and activity you are able to burn off what you consume.…
  • I did weight watchers when my company offered to sponsor it. I can say that it works well for some people. Some people need that accountability to get results. However, there appears to be some stigma still about men joining the program. Some of the activities definitely made guys feel uncomfortable. Your mother probably…
  • As my personal trainer always says "Muscle is built in the gym and fat is cut in the kitchen". One should not be as concerned with the calorie reading on the machine while you working out. What is important is the metabolic effect and energy required to recover after the workout. That can last up to 48 hours after a good…
  • People who start from ground zero generally make the most startling changes the first week. Once you have established any kind of workout routine, diet changes can have a slower effect. Weight can fluctuate dependent on the number of carbohydrates you consume in a day, fiber intake and water retention. Use the food…
  • There are lots of detox treatments listed on the web for cleaning up the liver, kidneys, gut, heavy minerals and other toxins. I'm sure that some are safer than others. Taking chlorella, citrus pectin or activated charcoal are good ways to clear out toxins. Just watch your diet. If your workout diet tends to make you…
  • Quiche Tofu I have been learning Tofu too. I had several dishes that were not liked. One thing that turned out really good was quiche with tofu in it. I microwave a half of a bag of cauliflower. I chop the pieces smaller. Then I throw it in a pie shell with chunked tofu, eggs and cheese. Season to taste. I'm sure you could…
  • Thanks for the article. I listen to the Fitcast on my iPod and they spend a lot of time talking about foam roller benifits, but it took me forever to figure out what they were talking about.
  • Rob Faigin's book at called "Natural Hormonal Enhancement" is the most complete book that I've seen about explaining the science of carb cycling. It fails to go into mapping out your exact plan but it has pulled all the science together for understanding what works. Consider putting your carb spike right after…
  • I am doing HIT with a personal trainer for two half hour sessions per week. I have been at it for six months. The focus is on targeted major muscle groups with workout to failure. Work out to failure is where the muscle simply cannot do another rep. What people don't explain is that this point comes after your muscles…