

  • I have run several half marathons and am training for my first full....I ran Saturday 13 miles using the Galloway method and ran FASTER than just running and felt great after. I am a believer in the method...Happy running.
  • My running partner and I have matching tattos on our feet....of turtles!! We take great pride in being slow. I am training right now for my first full marathon and it is going to take me between 5 and 6 HOURS. We walk/run. We even have beepers called Gym Boss that you can set for different intervals. I usually run 3…
  • :smile: I am actually training for a marathon. I don't think it really matters the distance because the problems are still the same. Some days I simply don't want to run. The scary part is I am in the beginning of the program!!! I have run several halfs and lots of 10k's. The physical part of training is the easy part the…