PoppyK Member


  • Thanks for the sugar explanation...I feel better about that!
  • Will be anxious to hear the feedback on your question. I am ALWAYS over on protein...and sugar as I eat a lot of fruit. Quite low on fat. Thanks for asking!
  • That sugar things is killing me too. But mine is all from fresh fruit and veggies. Seldom do I have naughty sugars. Going to do some research....
  • Welcome and good luck! You will love MFP...makes it super simple to track food and excercise....and great to have others to share things with! Have a great day!
  • Oh my, you're confusing me! I think you are thinking about it too much. Let MFP do the thinking for you...just make sure you stay under your calorie goal for each day (including excercise calories) and you should lose weight. But do make sure you are eating enough or your metabolism will slow down to accomodate for the…