Too Much Sugar

I've been struggling lately to keep under my daily sugar intake.
Anyone have any low sugar recipes? Or any other tips that might be useful?


  • CelticWarrior
    haha, same thoughts here !
  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Posts: 6 Member
    That sugar things is killing me too. But mine is all from fresh fruit and veggies. Seldom do I have naughty sugars. Going to do some research....
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    That sugar things is killing me too. But mine is all from fresh fruit and veggies. Seldom do I have naughty sugars. Going to do some research....

    even if it's a "healthy" sugar from an apple, it can still do serious damage to your weight loss progress. I end up at the end of the day with over half of my sugar not used. I limit my fruit, and anything that's a dressing..cause it'll be high in sugar, as well as any prepackaged foods, it's all about reading the labels on the sugar thing, watch for fruit cups and pudding cups as well, garbage anyways, but people like em, and they're full of sugar and not enough of any other nutrient to make a slight bit of difference.
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    how many sugar grams should someone get in a day? I am not sure how many I should get or how much is too much
  • Dellie22
    Dellie22 Posts: 167
    That's my problem too. I had an apple and it used 17g of sugar! Not good!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you're eating a lot of fruit, you have to watch which fruits you eat. Berries tend to be lower in sugar so I focus on eating those. And there are plenty of yummy ones to choose from! Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, boisenberries (though I've yet to see those in store - haha). My strategy as of late has been to eat 1/2 cup frozen berry medley (blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries) in my oatmeal for breakfast, then I'll have 1 fruit for an afternoon snack and that's all I eat for fruits because the sugar can get really high.

    A good way you can feel like you're eating a lot of fruit or sugar is to eat half the recommended serving... then you can eat it more frequently but you're eating a regular amount. Hope that makes sense. :happy: Because of this, I've been able to stay within my sugar limit easier than when I was eating a banana at breakfast, with fruit in my cereal or oatmeal, plus 2 fruits for snacks. Now I try to eat almonds for snacks, as well as air popped popcorn I make myself and put LIMITED amount of butter & some parmesan on it... there's always string cheese which is great for keeping you full.

    Just think of other options for snacks.
  • ysaidpie
    ysaidpie Posts: 83
    I am ALWAYS over on sugar. I don't eat the "bad" sugars either, and have been limiting my fruit intake to 1/3 of a banana at breakfast and one small apple as a snack. I bought cheese sticks as an alternative for snack because of it having no carbs. My question is- if your diet is set at 1200 calories, and you exercise- then u need to eat back your calories burned in exercise. But what can you possibly eat that will not put you over in one of the nutritional values? By the end of the night, all I have left is "fats" and usually a vitamin or something that has not yet been maxed out. So no matter how hard I try, I am always over in SOMETHING. It's inevitable for me, unless I ate a tablespoon of olive oil to meet my fat requirements an get back my exercise calories, which I am not about to do. I don't like seeing the red numbers, but I feel comfortable that I am making wise food choices- not a lot of prepakaged processed stuff (besides those cheese sticks!). I'd say avoid the obviously bad sugary stuff, and as long as you are not going extremely out of your range, don't worry about it. I am Not positive but I believe that even eating things with carbs/sugars, they are absorbed differently depending on what you eat then with- like something high in fiber.
  • ysaidpie
    ysaidpie Posts: 83
    I just found more info on sugar intake based on the MyPyramid nutrition. I included the website below. They said that sugars found naturally in fruits and milks are ok, it's the added sugars that should be avoided. This made me feel better about those red numbers at the end of the day!! :)