

  • Based on what you posted at the start of this thread, it looks to me like your baseline calorie intake is set too low & that you are consuming in excess of the calories burned during exercise. When I run the calculations for an aggressive rate of weight loss (2 lbs/week), your intake seems like it should be ~1465/day (this…
  • This is what I use as a breakfast replacement nearly every day. Filling, good nutritional profile, convenient to make & take. The only difference in my recipe vs. what is below is that I make mine with double strength refrigerated coffee to give it a caffeine kick: 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology 2 scoops Optimum Nutrition…
  • At 31, you are just hitting your prime! Get up an hour early and workout to boost your metabolism and melt the goo that you don't want to carry around! I didn't think I had the time, but made it when it became important enough to me to do something about it. You can do it! Your diet sounds fine. You didn't mention your…
  • WOW! Congratulations! That's inspiring! Way to go!!!