

  • I agree with the prior post (cparter). I feel like I've been on every diet at some point and they all work for a while then I'm right back at square one again. I started just two weeks ago keeping a food diary. This is how I found this site from looking for a way to count calories. I was very surprised at some of the…
  • I know how you feel. I just joined the site and I feel like I've started over so many times. I'm hoping this site will be an encouragment and that I can really stick with it and make this time really count.
  • I'm new too...just found this site yesterday. Two weeks ago when finished with my summer vacation I decided now was the time to just pull myself together. I've had a million reasons why I've not gotten my weight off. I'll lose a few then gain a few. I always make excuses for myself. Some good but some just pretty lame.…
    in new me Comment by sasha39 August 2010