jennatals Member


  • I find we eat a lot of similar foods. I love wasa, ezekial bread. I think i could transition easily into a vegan lifestyle. I dont drink milk, but i do enjoy cheese and icecream. :) Have you found a big change in your body since you switched to a vegan diet?
  • Hey, I know you're getting a lot of slack for this. I just want to say, I think you meant well and in my sense, I really do need to eat less and move more so I appreciate your advice. Thank you to EVERYONE who commented. So many wonderful, inspiring people out there! I'm new to this site and didnt realize how many…
  • Try Lara Bars! They're great snacks with super natural ingredients. They tend to only have 3. things in them: Dates, nuts, and a form of fruit. I'm addicted and they taste so yummy.
  • Hey! Im in a similar situation. FInding a hard time giving up junk food and mindless eating. Im 21 and in college soon to graduate, Im trying to get healthier! I need to exercise...Im just so bad about motivation. Im all for motivation/motivating!
  • im impressed at your methods! i've watched that documentary so many times, i just love it. im trying to eat as raw as possible and ive been vegetarian my whole life. i think its the exercising i need to work on.
  • Well honestly, I was meaning, how do YOU personally lose weight. I know the basics of weightloss. I am curious how other people have made weightloss work for their own lifestyles. I.e, running, going vegan, working out with a friend, portion control, etc