21yo in a rut. How do you lose weight??

Let me know how you have successfully lost weight! I'm trying to get healthier and am having a difficult time just starting a healthy lifestyle and choosing better foods. Also, Im new to this, I want to find people who have this figured out ;)


  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I'm 21 and almost at my goal weight.

    In the beginning, it was really hard. I started off at 1340 calories in a sedentary lifestyle, which, realistically, probably wasn't the best choice. I trained myself to eat that much, then upped my calories to 1460 because I was cranky. After learning a bit more, I upped my calories even more and right now I am on my last two pounds to lose and am eating around 1800 calories a day.

    You have to find low-calorie options that you actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself to eat tiny amounts of your regular food. I found a lot of meal combinations that equaled fewer than 300 calories and they've saved me.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
    GO AWAY.
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
    GO AWAY.

    Uh. Do people not like the truth around here? There is no magic formula of losing weight. It's simple, really.
  • jennatals
    jennatals Posts: 8 Member
    Well honestly, I was meaning, how do YOU personally lose weight. I know the basics of weightloss. I am curious how other people have made weightloss work for their own lifestyles. I.e, running, going vegan, working out with a friend, portion control, etc
  • nyteyz82
    nyteyz82 Posts: 43
    As both my doctor and trainer told me 'it is simple maths. calories you eat - calories you burn, if you get a negative answer you'll lose weight, if you get a positive answer you'll gain weight.

    E.g. 3000 - 3500 = -500 (weight loss)

    Do this again and again and you will drop the weight.:smile:
  • amiguito123
    amiguito123 Posts: 25
    I lost 8 lbs in two weeks following a strict liquid diet, drinking only vegetable juices that I extracted myself at home. I gradually incorporated more solid foods into my diet, including very lean chicken breast meat, salads with a low-cal homemade dressing, and a few fruits. Then I joined MFP and since then I've lost another 4 lbs for a total of 12. From the beginning I started out at 185 lbs, now I'm down to 173 and I want to lose at least another 5. Also, at my doctor's advise, I've been doing at least 1 hour a day of aerobic exercise (threadmill). Currently my daily caloric intake has been between 1200 and 1500 calories. And yes, to celebrate my little triumphs I had a mini-cheesecake as a reward to myself on Memorial Day... I gained 1/2 lb but two days later it was gone too... Good luck to you!
    PS You might want to watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead. Also, HBO has a special documentary called The Weight Of The Nation. Both videos have been quite inspirational to me.
  • amiguito123
    amiguito123 Posts: 25
    The truth is harsh, but it's the truth...
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
    Set my calorie goal to 1600.
    Concentrated on increasing protein, fiber, veggies/fruits, water and healthier carbs. And lowering sodium, bad fats and fatty meats.
    I do some cardio on treadmill, kickbozing classes etc.
    I haven't hit my first plateau yet, so I can't give advice about that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Been doing it for almost 30 years now so after a bulk up I ensure my macros/micros needed are taken care of daily, then I just make sure that I'm in a slight calorie deficit. I eat pretty much whatever I want (80% great, 20% "dirty") and I exercise daily in some way. I lift heavy all the time, and alternate my cardio with either Tabata, HIIT or steady state depending on the day. And yes, I've lived this lifestyle since I was 19.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer/Group Fitness Instructor
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sbravoco
    sbravoco Posts: 7
    For me, I stick to good old numbers. In general I try to healthier choices throughout the day because the numbers pile up quickly with food that is bad for you. Before I got pregnant I had lost 30 lbs on weight watchers.. I gained about 40 lbs when I got pregnant but most of it came off within weeks after birth.. I have those annoying 15 lbs that I have been putting off (until recently). So far I am down about 5lbs with 10 more till my goal. This website has told me in order to lost 1 1/2-2 lbs a week I should eat 1200 calories a day, I stay within that range unless its a holiday or family event. I don't work out, I didn't when I lost my 30 lbs before.

    Thats my story!
  • jennatals
    jennatals Posts: 8 Member
    im impressed at your methods! i've watched that documentary so many times, i just love it. im trying to eat as raw as possible and ive been vegetarian my whole life. i think its the exercising i need to work on.
  • nintus
    nintus Posts: 5
    A piece of advice on exercising: jogging (even in low tempo) and swimming are the best for those who is not used to a lot of sports. Especially good is to go to swimming pool with a sauna, where you can relax after a swim. It helps to detox your body and the cleansing goes faster! A bit harder is to play tennis or squash, but it gives result as well - your whole body moves ;)
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out. Moving more.

    Don't lie to yourself. Measure ALL your food. Log it correctly.

    Take measurements as well as your weight on the scale. You'll learn not to rely on the scale so much.

    Don't deny yourself. Everything in moderation. Even moderation. :)
  • raychilg
    raychilg Posts: 14 Member
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
    GO AWAY.

    Uh. Do people not like the truth around here? There is no magic formula of losing weight. It's simple, really.

    I don't think it's the truth that people don't like, maybe just the attitude.
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    Calories in vs. calories out. Moving more.

    Don't lie to yourself. Measure ALL your food. Log it correctly.

    Take measurements as well as your weight on the scale. You'll learn not to rely on the scale so much.

    Don't deny yourself. Everything in moderation. Even moderation. :)

    This, it really is quite simple. Try and jump right in and use MFP as a good tool to help you with logging, and engage with others on your News feed about what you're eating and your exercises. Also, I love my heart rate monitor - so helpful when working out calories burned during exercise - I would definitely invest in one. Not only does it help me to stick to a calorie deficit, it's really motivating!

    Good luck!
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    The first week I just ate normally and logged everything. I was horrified at how many calories I was putting away. Then I took a good look at my foods and portion size and found low calorie options. Got rid of the really high calorie stuff and gradually got my portion size under control. I wasn't losing fast around .5 of a pound a week but that is fine as it was going down. I lost 29 pounds without much excercise due to a back problem.

    I hit a plateau this last month and now my back problem is much much better I started excersising regularly, some cardio and heavy lifting. I upped my calories from 1340 to 1600 trying to lower my carbs and up my protein.

    This morning my scale moved down .5 for the first time in a month so I think this is going to work

    It is a question of looking really hard at what you are eating and making a lot of small changes, they soon add up to large changes and you are on your way.

    I am sure you cand do this and get to your goal. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • cdnbassjunkie
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.

    simple truth..
  • s_wilson84
    s_wilson84 Posts: 74 Member
    Where are you from? I thoroughly enjoy a program called FXB. It's a fitness studio that does cardio kickboxing and strength training. Look up Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping. If there is one in your location you should call and see if you can drop in on a class and see how you like it. I've been doing it for 30 weeks now and I have made some amazing friends there. They hold you accountable and work your butt off..... literally.
  • drkuhl2017
    drkuhl2017 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm 21 as well but I have a lot of weight to lose. Find out what your BMR is and don't eat below it, MFP has a BMR calculator under the tools tab. You also may want to find out your TDEE, and then don't eat above that. It's worked for me and I've lost 21 pounds. Make sure to do cardio and I would recommend doing strength training, it definitely helps. And it doesn't have to be heavy lifting, but making muscle while your losing weight will definitely help!