21yo in a rut. How do you lose weight??



  • MileyClimb
    MileyClimb Posts: 414 Member
    I lost weight by making mini goals and changes. in 1996 I weighed 250 + pounds. the first thing I did was start going on long walks. I built up too. the missions school I went to had bad food so me and a friend walked down to the gas station to get salads everyday or something good to eat. I had lost 80 pounds there. then just got active moving. I went on the group eat more to weigh less I was eating 700 calories less then what i was to eat got my right calories 4 days in and lost 6 pounds . going on my 4th day.

    I cut out sodas which is a huge help 1 can of soda is 150 calories. I started eating eggs for breakfast (a bigger balanced breakfast.

    everyone works differently and despite what others think there is no formula for losing weight. what works for one person doesn't work for another. best of luck to you
  • t4nn1e
    t4nn1e Posts: 43 Member
    I think that for me, the most important thing was to cut out all of the chocolate and cakes... And just really make sure I KNOW how many calories etc I am eating.. I think I was leading myself to believe I was eating far less calories than I was...

    I never ate a particularly great amount... but the things I was eating were high in calories..

    For example, now, as a treat. I'll have a couple of jaffa cakes, wheras before, for a treat (i.e... every day) I'd have a pudding after dinner... now, I'll only do that on the occasion I eat out, and even then, it would have to be something pretty amazing to 'waste' the calories on it.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I'm 21 and almost at my goal weight.

    In the beginning, it was really hard. I started off at 1340 calories in a sedentary lifestyle, which, realistically, probably wasn't the best choice. I trained myself to eat that much, then upped my calories to 1460 because I was cranky. After learning a bit more, I upped my calories even more and right now I am on my last two pounds to lose and am eating around 1800 calories a day.

    You have to find low-calorie options that you actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself to eat tiny amounts of your regular food. I found a lot of meal combinations that equaled fewer than 300 calories and they've saved me.

    Similar to this. I was at 1200, then 1300, then 1380, and now I am eating slightly less than my maintenance calories to lose these last 10 lbs. I also only changed my diet for the first 20 lbs and walked, then I started to incorporate strength training etc.

    I definitely agree with finding low-calorie options that you enjoy rather than tiny portions of the higher calorie stuff which will leave you in a starved feeling. Protein has been super filling for me! Bake chicken and grilled chicken varieties are low cal options while being super filling.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    Whatever you do, don't turn 30.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    If i can give one tip its this. Double check your estimated calorie requirements, against an on line calculator like http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    I have no doubt mfp will start you at 1200kcal
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    Don't completely deprive yourself of the food you love! Just don't eat it all the time. I love food but cutting down on portions helped a lot! Also measure the food you are eating and log it.

    Don't ever give up! Sometimes you might slip up but you gotta keep moving along. The scale lies sometimes. So take measurements and pictures!

    Find a workout program that you like to do and stick with it. If you love the exercise you are doing you are more likely to keep doing it! Make sure you are sweaty by the end of the session. Give it your all.

    Avoid sugary drinks and juices. You might think that the juice from the store is good for you but look at all the sugar! Drink your water!

    Plan ahead if you can. Planning my meals and exercise has helped me stick to my new lifestyle while maintaining friendships, relationships, and of course having a blast at parties.

    Hope this helps! I'm almost to my goal weight even though it's taken me awhile. Everybody is different and has different needs. So be patient with yourself and find what works for you in a healthy way! :flowerforyou:
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 55 Member

    REALLY? Because I spent $2000 going to therapy for that exact problem..... I was eating under 500 calories a day, some days not at all.... some people need to think before they post! I have a hard enough time eating more than 1200 calories a day which is why I'm still fat because I don't eat enough... OH and try doing my old exercise routine on less than 1000 cal/ day. That guy would probably not make it through day One.!

    Ugh- this makes me so mad.

    FIgure out what your body needs using the online calculators, pick a diet you feel comfortable with, and ease into it. For me I have to really really coach myself to eat breakfast and lunch and sometimes dinner. I call people up when I'm on lunch break to tell me to eat instead of just smoking a cig or two and calling it a day.

    If you don't eat enough you run just as many if not more health risks than eating too much.
  • flutgos
    flutgos Posts: 24 Member
    When I started, I hiked for 3 miles or so 5 days a week. I ate a little bit better but nothing crazy. I made a lot of smoothies but I'm still not sure if that was the way to go. I still had and still do eat fast food for lunch. I get two wraps from Tim Horton's 3 or so days a week. They only have 200 calories or so a piece! For dinner I will just have a sandwich or make some scrambled eggs with one egg and some egg whites.

    When I'm out with friends, I don't pay too much attention to what I eat. I will still drink and get whatever I want to eat. I think this keeps me sane as well. I also splurge for lunch every now and then. I may be in a better spot now if I didn't do those things but oh well. I started working out pretty hard four months after I started hiking so I don't think it hurts me too much to eat a little bit more. My friend says that I should eat a lot more than I do now so I can maintain my muscle. I'm going to try to lose my final ten pounds or so and then I would just like to maintain my weight.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
    GO AWAY.

    Uh. Do people not like the truth around here? There is no magic formula of losing weight. It's simple, really.

    Actually sometimes the problem is you need to eat more.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I was overweight when I was 21 too... I thought it would never end, I thought it was too hard to have an active lifestyle, to eat less in general, and to make good choices in food (at least 95% of the time). Honestly, I had to force myself at first. I had to make an eating and exercise plan and force myself to stick to it. It was PAINFUL at first. Really, it sucked. But as time went on, it got easier and easier. I found something that I liked to do that was great exercise (muay thai). I counted calories and realized that healthy food is more filling than eating lots of bread and pasta and chips. I never let myself get fast food - Ever (the benefit now is that I'm completely turned off to fast food!). I eventually gained control over my eating and started to enjoy being active, with my muay thai and hiking and biking (and now running). It gets easier, it really does. This is what people mean when they say this is a "lifestyle change". Eventually it becomes your lifestyle, which means you don't always have to put in effort... It comes intuitively. I swear to you, if I can lose 40lbs anyone can lose weight LOL
  • DianaJaneD
    DianaJaneD Posts: 157 Member
    Here's some advice from someone who wishes I had done it when I was your age before I had gained so much weight and become so unhealthy: "Mindful Eating". You've got the right start. Be aware of what you are eating, keep track of portions and keep educating yourself about the healthy way to eat. It's a lifestyle and ongoing learning process. Don't eat too little, but the right amount to fuel your body. Quality counts, too! Having the idea of eating healthy most of the time with a treat here and there has helped me get healthy and turn my life around. Good luck to you!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Uh. Do people not like the truth around here? There is no magic formula of losing weight. It's simple, really.

    You have absolutely no constructive advice, and you're only here to tell the OP that it's "not hard". Thanks for your input, I'm sure it's greatly appreciated.
  • tripblaster
    tripblaster Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. How are you eating? What are you eating? Are you exercising? If so, how much? With intensity?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Record what you eat, measuring or weighing portions whenever possible. Look at the calorie and nutritional information listed. Slowly, you will begin to educate yourself.

    Keep an eye on the macros in your diet. Avoid excessive amounts of fat.

    Weigh yourself every day or several times a week in the morning under the same conditions. Take note of your weight and body fat percentage.

    See a Registered Dietitian.

    Build a fitness routine into your life, or at least find a way to be active several times a week. If you have to lose weight, a casual walk probably won't be enough.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was just a little older than you when I started eating healthy. But I didn't do it to lose weight, I was already pretty skinny. I did it because I wanted to be healthy. I've been eating healthy foods for close to 30 years. But I tend to eat too much for someone with a desk job, which I've also had for almost 30 years.

    So, I lost weight by exercising (lots of cardio along with some strength training for tone). If I exercise regularly I stay at a healthy weight. If I slack off and don't exercise, I gain.

    Edited to clarify what I mean by healthy eating. -- I limit saturated fat, sugar and refined carbs. I do not eat low or high carb, I just make sure most of the carbs I eat have nutrients and fiber. I do not eat high or low fat, I just try to make sure the fats I eat are primarily unsaturated. I don't eat high or low protein, I just try to make sure my protein is from good lean sources.

    I try for a good mix of vegetables and lots of them. Some fruits, but more vegetables than fruit. For protein I eat fish, beans, nuts, peanut butter, lean meats, reduced fat cheese. I try to eat vegetarian meals several times a week. I cook nearly everything in extra virgin olive oil.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I stopped drinking soda.
    I watch my carbs.
    I get lots of protein.
    I drink lots of water.
    I eat what I want in moderation.

    I exercise in some way, shape, or form 5 days a week. The other 2 days I am working (on my feet) from 7am until 8pm (or later) so while I don't count that as a workout, I don't feel like a bum on those days for NOT working out.

    I'm currently doing the couch to 5k program and will be finishing it up within the next few days.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    You have to find low-calorie options that you actually enjoy instead of forcing yourself to eat tiny amounts of your regular food. I found a lot of meal combinations that equaled fewer than 300 calories and they've saved me.

    ^ This.

    Finding new ways to eat calories has been a huge boon to my weight loss. That and staying on the move. Don't drink your calories, eat them- my dietitian's biggest piece of advice to me that actually worked great too. Eating back half my walking exercise calories keeps me from going under my ideal net calorie intake for the day. Logging calories I eat, being honest about it even on the days where I eat too much, or somehow manage to not eat enough. But this poster has it right with her sentiment. Finding different ways to eat calories, in a more healthful way that keeps the full feeling around longer and consuming loads of water.
  • princessage117
    princessage117 Posts: 171 Member
    I try to eat for health, to fuel my body to feel good, rather than eating whatever I think would taste good at the moment. I still enjoy good-tasting food, but I pay attention to what I eat now and make an effort for it to be healthier. And it can be healthy and taste good at the same time.

    I eat more fruits and veggies. I got rid of the junk food. I started looking at how much sugar and fat was in what I was eating and cut way down on it. I track my food. I try new healthy recipes. I make more effort to exercise. I try new workouts when I get bored. I go the the gym with friends to keep me accountable. I drink more water.

    I come on here for inspiration, support and to support others. It all works together.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Eat less, move more. Not hard.
    GO AWAY.

    Uh. Do people not like the truth around here? There is no magic formula of losing weight. It's simple, really.

    Actually sometimes the problem is you need to eat more.

    But often people are deluded. They are eating more than they think, which is why they're not losing weight.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Well honestly, I was meaning, how do YOU personally lose weight. I know the basics of weightloss. I am curious how other people have made weightloss work for their own lifestyles. I.e, running, going vegan, working out with a friend, portion control, etc

    Pre-plan your meals & snacks for the day so you don't get too hungry & make a poor decision later in the day. Exercise more when you want to eat more to earn more allotted calories. You can do it!