

  • I went to Drs and she just thinks its due to over training and running through the virus, complete rest and then just 2/3 times per week of running. So that's what I will do,no exercise till Monday now, a friend mentioned using Creatine,I've googled it and isn't it more for weight work rather than running
  • DavPaul Easier said than done though lol
  • Hi Sonicdeathmon OK I will try your plan and thank you for doing it for me. Going to rest this week,well rest from running anyway, may do a few walks or bike rides,or just some squats/lunges. Then see if I feel OK Monday and will start the plan,hopefully I will feel better but if not I'm not gonna try the half marathon…
  • I've just been for a 3.5 mile power walk and feel shattered and sweating like I've been running. Not a happy bunny :((
  • Thanks for reply. I have got a HRM but don't use it, I'm gonna did it out and give it a go. Funny you should mention virus but the last week I managed an easy 5 mile run I had a stinking cold but only sneezing, runny nose and then when that went my body ached all over like never before and I did think I was coming down…
  • Here is a break down of my runs over the last few days which is all my garmin had stored because I hadn't uploaded onto laptop. 4.01 miles 11.10 mi 5.08 miles 12.02 mi 4 miles 11.48 mi 3.28 11.33 mi 3.18 10.51 Probably not enough to go on but that's about as much has I'm doing mileage at the moment,the last time I did 5…
  • I've been taking vit D for just over a week now and iron just bout 4 days. I must admit I'm not much of a stretcher but I walk back from my runs and do bout 5 mins stretching. I run Mon,Tues,Weds and Thursday ,I was following a half marathon plan and doing OK up until 2\3 weeks ago running 5\6 mile Max but not every day. I…
  • My shins are sore but have been for months so would that contribute to this?
  • Hi thank you all for your replies. I think I will have a word with my Dr but I'm pretty sure my thyroid was tested a couple of months ago but maybe they have changed. I was wondering if it could be heart related but I'm not having any pains or anything,lots of reasons are running through my head but I will do anything to…
  • I have a garmin watch and my pace has gone from 10.48mile to 11.33 mile so I'm running slower. I don't know much bout running times but I feel like I'm already going at a crawl now :((
  • Hi Thanks for reply. My lifestyle hasn't changed but I have started eating more carbs,wholemeal bread,pasta because I thought it would help,I've also put on about 7lbs so could it be the extra weight? I don't know if its just me subconsciously looking for a way out but I don't think it is,I love running. I even started…